Grapling Hook & Mining, Weapon sets

Discussion in 'Mechanics' started by Mazofizo, Jan 8, 2014.

  1. Mazofizo

    Mazofizo Master Chief

    Would be nice if the Grappling hook and Pickaxe were both one handed so we could actually hook somewhere and mine at the same time.

    Also Adding weapon sets up on the toolbar would be awesome as well,
    lets say you'd have a set of two one handed weapons and a set of one handed guns or any other combination of weaponry you'd like to use, and for example if you press keys F1,F2,F3 you could switch through the sets you have created.
    So lets say you are fighting a melee monster and suddenly a flying one spawns you'd be able to quickly switch to your ranged set to deal with that enemy.
    This would be really nice with shields as well, switching from an double pistols to a shield and a sword.
    iamagrapeman and Kitten Pryde like this.
  2. Kitten Pryde

    Kitten Pryde Phantasmal Quasar


    Or we could have something similar to the 3DMG as a grappling hook. No hands required :D
  3. Conor785

    Conor785 Pangalactic Porcupine

    So you want it like terraria? Where you press e to use grappling hook
  4. Harlander

    Harlander Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Actually, that'd be pretty nice.
  5. Conor785

    Conor785 Pangalactic Porcupine

    Yeah it would and i think there was a vote like that once
  6. iDylan

    iDylan Void-Bound Voyager

    Terreria had grappling hooks? What was I doing!
  7. Conor785

    Conor785 Pangalactic Porcupine

    You went through the game without using one of the most important items?
  8. iDylan

    iDylan Void-Bound Voyager

  9. Justin O.

    Justin O. Big Damn Hero

    Pick axes should require two hands to use, it makes sense to get the strength someone would need to break stone.
    Unless space stone, or whatever you are digging through, is weakened by the suspension of disbelief.

    The grapnel I can see only needing one. Since it is made up it doesn't really matter how many hands it takes.
  10. Crett

    Crett Orbital Explorer

    grappling hooks should be some sort of strap on accessory
    like a belt
    the grapple harness
    Tamorr and Mazofizo like this.
  11. Conor785

    Conor785 Pangalactic Porcupine

    Or a wristband-like object
  12. Mazofizo

    Mazofizo Master Chief

    Also i think there should be a planet log in the the travel panel of planets that have been visited so you know you wont be going back to a planet you've traveled before or maybe you want to go back to one to explore some more!
  13. happykilljoy

    happykilljoy Orbital Explorer

    I like that last thought. I think it would also help people find their way back to places they also visited. Maybe have something like a captains log. You could even put in notable events but that is just a casual thought...
  14. Tamorr

    Tamorr Supernova

    I don't see much use to the grappling hook as it is right now. Although good for swinging around and getting around, not much for anything else. What I wouldn't mind is it just keeping the grapple like that, but add an upgrade to it that uses the grapple in the recipe to change it into something like 2 of the people mentioned above; Belt or wrist item. From there it might be used with a button...

    As to the second thing mentioned, that has been a common thing suggested. Seems like there are so many variants to that idea, log being one of them, a console version, and even part of the star map selection. I would love something like this, especially if what namable within the log and could add a small personal description.
  15. Conor785

    Conor785 Pangalactic Porcupine

    Yes it has been suggested a lot and try to stay on topic and not suggest other things

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