I've been looking at all the guides and my brain just doesn't want to understand what the heck I need to do even though I know it has to be super easy?! I'm not a modder - I'm a designer. I can shoop-da-woop sprites and colour things in but this is just too hard for me, apparently. Anyway, I have a PNG file sheet of sprite movements and I want to implement it as an override for the cat. Here is what I've done: And now here are my questions: 1. Is there a sprite width/height limit for the cat, and if so, how can I make these sprites work with it? 2. If the sprites work as-is, how the heck do I convert it to an XNB? (and that's the extension it needs, correct?) Or, 3. If anyone could convert it into the proper file to use in-game for me that would be super amazing. I wanna spread the Flareon love and don't want my utter modding fail to prevent being able to share this with everyone!
First off, go find and download xnb node. It's linked on these forums a bunch of times. Then extract it all in your Stardew Valley Steam (or GOG or whatever) folder. Then, go into your SV folder, and go into Content/Animals. Find cat.xnb, and make a backup copy of it somewhere in case you mess up. Next, make a new copy of it, and put it in a new folder in the SV directory. Name the folder "packed". Make another new folder in the SV directory, named unpacked. Next, open command prompt via your start menu. Using the cd command (stands for change directory), move to the Stardew Valley folder (so it'll be something like cd c:/programs/steam/blah blah/stardew valley) Next, type this: xnb_node extract packed unpacked This will extract the cat.xnb from "packed" into the "unpacked" folder. In the unpacked folder should now be a cat.png and cat.xml Make your changes to cat.png, and save it. Next in the command prompt, type: xnb_node pack unpacked packed This one will pack what's in the "unpacked" folder into the "packed" folder. Your new cat.xnb should be in your packed folder. Copy that back into content/animals, overwriting the old one, then go test and see if it worked. It's easy to do once you've done it a few times. It's even easier if you copy your directory name and pasted it into the command prompt, to do that rightclick the window bar at the top of the command prompt, and go to Edit > Paste. Make sure to type cd first!
Yeah I've downloaded XNB node! I didn't understand the instructions.. But yours are really clear. I'll give it a go right now, thanks! ETA: IT WORKED!!!! THANKS SO MUCH!!!!!!