woah, that's, actually really nice..... I, imma gonna steal that. YOU are gonna get like credits, n stuff, ill see if I can arrange for treat in the mod for u,
Now just to design something wonderful enough people would call after you... ... ... Damn, this is hard!
The tiny itsy bitsy little Gun sitting on top of the Cockpit could use a LOT more size... :whistle: If it would cause too many problems getting bigger & staying where it's at, then maybe the Gun could be bigger & mount to the underside of the Cockpit.
If only... but apparently all races in the universe have the same shape... EDIT: .....See I started another page... so strange... (I don't time this)
Must unlikely, Kitsu. Their anathomical shape is reall different from ones of other races. While other ones are more humanoid, this one has shell and stuff. Still, the race's author is planing to make a mod, and that's way better than nothing, right?
Frankly, i'm starting to think that it'll be even BETTER for Glunaughts to be a Mod instead of an Official Race, seems how the Devs are already working their asses off with their existing workload as is... I'd really hate for Glunaughts to be 'the straw that broke the Camel's Back' & cause the Devs to die of Overwork or go insane or some other nasty thing... this way, the workload is more spread out & divided so there's 'more hands on deck'.
Get ready for an immoral amount of sprite art. Once beta hits I will be able to access game files and Get to know exactly what I require for my Glunaughts. You will at first mostly be seeing building blocks and wall tiles then I will go into all for interior design needs, and so on. If the way they make generated buildings is still into play I may also make a few dungeons layouts. Hope you excited as I am.
Due to a horrible size miscalculation I had to redo the sprites. They may change as we go along but I need some models for the ship. Enjoy!