Story Glitchy science

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Roubo, Feb 9, 2016.

  1. Roubo

    Roubo Big Damn Hero

    I'm very embarrassed to posting it here, since it's not a story, more like a joke or something.
    Also it's the first time I write something and also English is not my native language, so you can point me on some typos. X3
    Actually, any help making this ship look better would be nice :3

    Anyways, here it is, *cleans throat* the story of my glitch:

    How is it to you?

    P.S.: Spare your PC from having lags if it can't handle multiple animations at a time. I worked damn hard on those speech timings. Stop the ship before reading messages by clicking oh the wheel.

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