This is a thread to record my current fastest times, along with some general tips. (Current personal fastest times as of July 11th) Just The Dungeons - 00:21:48.099 3 Heart Challenge - 00:27:03.680 No Sword: Arsonist - 00:21:27.578 No Sword: Terrorist - 00:20:00.109 No Sword: Sniper - 00:21:53.581 I AM ERROR - 00:24: 35.758 2x Speed Run - 00:18:20.134 Tips: Turn around immediately if you see the room as a dead end with no item drops; there is a slight tendency for them to turn into trap rooms and you're forced to do a puzzle. Bombs are your most powerful non-secret item but come as a double-edged sword, enemies like to gravitate toward them but their explosion can wreck a person if they are too close. Mastery can make some boss battles go much faster and easier compared to that of the sword. When skeletons become the norm break out the shield and strafe, it may be a bit slower, but it's more reliable and you're more likely to preserve your coveted health. For wizards, hopefully by then you got a level 3 shield to reflect or arrows to dispatch them before they can set fire, they are dangerous in mobs don't get caught in the crossfire of many. Alternatively, for the daring, run up to the enemy and sword them to death, they'll be too stunned to react. Only battle when needed, be it they're directly in path or you're in a combat puzzle room; most the time you can just breeze on by. This might just be a placebo effect, but swimming seems faster than going by foot, swim by when you can. The max capacity of the standard items (arrows and bombs) are currently a high 99; stockpile up when you have the chance and you're set for the rest of the challenge.
Impressive times! I don't think I can personally match them, but I'll give it a try with your tips in mind sometime soon. I can confirm this - if you hold C when swimming you go about 4/3rds faster than running.