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Discussion in 'Support' started by Bonabopn, Apr 5, 2016.

  1. Bonabopn

    Bonabopn Fluffiest Squirrel

    I was running around doing things, and as i passed robin's i got a message about a train approaching. So i went to go meet it! (I'm not sure if my horse has forgiven me for that yet)

    Anyway, as i was watching the train, i got another message about another train coming and the first one disappearated! And then a Joja Cola train came through.

    In my opinion, trains should not be allowed to happen while trains are happening. This is madness!
    • Chickenwhite

      Chickenwhite Space Hobo

      I've had this one a few times - double messages, at least. Every time a train passes by, I'll get a message a moment later that another train is passing by. It's weird, if nothing else.

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