Code: require "/scripts/util.lua" require "/scripts/vec2.lua" require "/scripts/rect.lua" -- Helper functions function fireShockwave() local impact, impactHeight = impactPosition() if impact then local charge = math.floor(config.getParameter("maxDistance")) local directions = {1, -1} local positions = shockwaveProjectilePositions(impact, charge, directions) if #positions > 0 then --need to scale the power local params = copy(config.getParameter("projectileParameters")) params.power = scalePower(params.power) params.actionOnReap = { { action = "projectile", inheritDamageFactor = 1, type = config.getParameter("projectileType") } } for i,position in pairs(positions) do local xDistance = world.distance(position, impact)[1] local dir = util.toDirection(xDistance) params.timeToLive = (math.floor(math.abs(xDistance))) * 0.025 world.spawnProjectile("shockwavespawner", position,, {dir,0}, false, params) end end end end function impactPosition() local position = mcontroller.position() local bounds = mcontroller.boundBox() local offset = {0,bounds[2]} return vec2.add(position, offset) end function shockwaveProjectilePositions(impactPosition, maxDistance, directions) local positions = {} for _,direction in pairs(directions) do direction = direction * mcontroller.facingDirection() local position = copy(impactPosition) for i = 0, maxDistance do local continue = false for _,yDir in ipairs({0, -1, 1}) do local wavePosition = {position[1] + direction * i, position[2] + 0.5 + yDir + config.getParameter("shockwaveHeight")} local groundPosition = {position[1] + direction * i, position[2] + yDir} local bounds = rect.translate(config.getParameter("shockwaveBounds"), wavePosition) if world.pointTileCollision(groundPosition, {"Null", "Block", "Dynamic", "Slippery"}) and not world.rectTileCollision(bounds, {"Null", "Block", "Dynamic", "Slippery"}) then table.insert(positions, wavePosition) position[2] = position[2] + yDir continue = true break end end if not continue then break end end end return positions end function scalePower(power) local level = 1 power = power or 10 if entity.entityType() == "monster" then power = power * root.evalFunction("monsterLevelPowerMultiplier", monster.level()) level = monster.level() elseif entity.entityType() == "npc" then power = power * root.evalFunction("npcLevelPowerMultiplierModifier", npc.level()) level = npc.level() end power = power * status.stat("powerMultiplier") return power end I know what I need to do. I simply need to call fireShockwave using the runFunction node right? But it's not working for some reason. Here's the monster in question in case the has anything to do with it. No errors in the log.