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Bug/Issue Game left on overnight, any way to load back to a previous save?

Discussion in 'Support' started by Hybee, Jul 28, 2018.

  1. Hybee

    Hybee Void-Bound Voyager

    I paused the game but it somehow unpaused itself and it skipped through like two years. Is there any way that I can go back to before I left it on overnight? I had about 60 hours put into the save.
    • EssemEcks

      EssemEcks Yeah, You!

      It waits for confirmation before advancing to the next day every single night. It can't just autoplay through multiple days, much less multiple years.
      • Hybee

        Hybee Void-Bound Voyager

        It only prompts you if you ship items.
        • MasterSquiddie

          MasterSquiddie Space Hobo

          You COULD try editing the date in your save file, but this could cause bugs. Back up your save file before attempting this, I haven't personally tested this. I do not take responsibility for lost or broken saves. Open your save file with an XML text editor and look for a variable called <currentSeason>. Change that to "spring", "summer", "fall", or "winter" depending on what season you left off on. Next, skip past <samBandName> and <elliottBookName> and there should be a variable called <dayOfMonth>. Change that to whatever day it was (any value between and including 1-28). Finally, directly after that should be a variable called Year. Change that to whatever year it was. Save it. Now you can try to open the file and see what's recoverable. Like I said, it could be buggy, so there might be other things you need to edit, and everyone's friendships with you will almost certainly be back to 0, so be careful.

          Best of luck to you.

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