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Closed Game keeps crashing after starting up a file

Discussion in 'Starbound Support' started by Nadairy, Mar 5, 2015.

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  1. Nadairy

    Nadairy Orbital Explorer

    So what exactly should i do /:
  2. Nerva

    Nerva Parsec Taste Tester

    Every character's saved game is comprised of 3 files. A *.player file, which holds the meat-and-potatoes of your character - your statistics, your inventory, your equipment, your learned recipes, your quest status, even how much health and energy you had left when you last closed the game. There's a a *.shipworld file, which contains all of the data about your ship type, its construction, and how it's furnished. Finally there's a *.metadata file, which contains identifier and file-handling information for the other two.

    In addition to these, there's three sets of *.bak# files, numbered *.bak1 to *.bak3, which are backups of your primary three files, to be used if a character becomes unusable. It's these three sets of files that might save your character if it is unplayable.

    Restoring a character from a backup is a somewhat-delicate procedure that doesn't have a guarantee of success. You can improve your odds and reduce the chances of catastrophic failure by doing a little prep work.

    First thing you should do is manually back up the player folder. This ensures that your backups are not overwritten by accident until you've checked all three of them. Open the giraffe_storage/player folder, and copy everything inside of it to a new folder that's in a place where you can easily access it.

    Next you should obtain a save-game editor or reader program. You won't actually be editing your saves, but you'll need this to identify the proper savegame to begin working on. I recommend either StarReader, available at http://c4isbad.com/starreader/, or StarCheat http://starcheat.org/.

    STEP 1: Identify the correct Save Game's UUID
    Save files are not given friendly names. Instead, they're given a long string of hexadecimal called the Unique User ID, or UUID for short. You need to identify the UUID that belongs to the character that's having a problem. This is where the save-game editor comes in. Simply plug a *.player file into the editor, and see which character it is. If it's the character having a problem, mark down the UUID somewhere safe, because you'll need it later. If it's not, try another *.player file until you find the right one.

    STEP 2: Remove the problem files
    Inside of the Giraffe_Storage/Player folder, find the *.player, *.shipworld, and *.metadata files that match the UUID that you found in Step #1. Either move these to a different folder or delete them.

    STEP 3: Replace them with the first set of backups
    Remember that manual backup you did as part of the prep work? Open that folder, and find the *.bak3 files that have the same UUID as in Step #1. Copy them into the giraffe_storage/player folder, overwriting if necessary. Inside the giraffe_storage/player folder, rename the files you just copied - remove the .bak3 off the end of each of them.

    STEP 4: First Test
    Start up Starbound, and attempt to load in the problem character. If the character loads successfully, then your character is fine now and the backups worked. If not, continue to Step 5.

    STEP 5: If the test was a failure...
    Inside of the Giraffe_Storage/Player folder, find the *.player, *.shipworld, and *.metadata files that match the UUID that you found in Step #1. Either move these to a different folder or delete them.

    STEP 6: Replace them with the second set of backups
    Go back to the manual backup folder, and find the *.bak2 files that have the same UUID as in Step #1. Copy them into the giraffe_storage/player folder, overwriting if necessary. Inside the giraffe_storage/player folder, rename the files you just copied - remove the .bak2 off the end of each of them.

    STEP 7: Second Test
    Start up Starbound, and attempt to load in the problem character. If the character loads successfully, then your character is fine now and the backups worked. If not, continue to Step 8.

    STEP 8: Last Chance...
    Inside of the Giraffe_Storage/Player folder, find the *.player, *.shipworld, and *.metadata files that match the UUID that you found in Step #1. Either move these to a different folder or delete them.

    STEP 9: Replace them with the final set of backups
    Go back to the manual backup folder, and find the *.bak1 files that have the same UUID as in Step #1. Copy them into the giraffe_storage/player folder, overwriting if necessary. Inside the giraffe_storage/player folder, rename the files you just copied - remove the .bak1 off the end of each of them.

    STEP 10: Final Test
    Start up Starbound, and attempt to load in the problem character. If the character loads successfully, then your character is fine now and the backups worked. If not, then the character is unrecoverable. All of the backups were overwritten with bad character data prior to you doing the manual backup.
  3. Nadairy

    Nadairy Orbital Explorer

    Still no luck /:. Is there any way i can transfer my player data and my in game stuff to a friend of mine?[DOUBLEPOST=1425586847][/DOUBLEPOST]I think i should have said this as well, maybe useful info. But all this started happening after i started up my own local starbound server. I played my character on my server and from there on out, my character file became corrupt and kept crashing on me
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2015
  4. Nerva

    Nerva Parsec Taste Tester

    If the character is crashing, then no. Unless you can get a friend into your party and onto your ship in a multiplayer server before the crash hits, it's impossible.

    However, you can get most of your stuff back even if you delete your character. In singleplayer, type /admin to enable admin mode. Once in /admin mode, you can use the commands /spawnitem, /spawnsword, /spawnshield, and /spawngun to get back almost everything you had before, one item or stack of items at a time. For instance, /spawnitem plantfibre 1000 will give you a stack of 1,000 plant fiber. You can use Starcheat or this site to get the internal names of most items.

    The only thing that will be hard to get back is random generated stuff. For instance, you might have had a Bone Hammer, but if you /spawnsword 0 bonehammer you'll get a Bone Hammer with a different name and stats.[DOUBLEPOST=1425587603][/DOUBLEPOST]Stupid forum. I am not double-posting. THERE IS CLEARLY A POST RIGHT AFTER MINE, WHAT IS YOUR MALFUNCTION?![DOUBLEPOST=1425587657][/DOUBLEPOST]Good grief this forum software is stupid.[DOUBLEPOST=1425587832][/DOUBLEPOST]Well anyway, this forum seems possessed and I can't reply to the thread properly. Nadairy, assume that this post is supposed to follow yours.


    Out of curiosity, were you doing some wiring on your ship when this crashing first started?
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2015
  5. Nadairy

    Nadairy Orbital Explorer

    ANOTHER WIERD THING IS, whenver i join, i usually have a few seconds before it crashes. Once i go on, i quicky warp to the current planet im on. THEN IT DOESNT CRASH. But as soon as i beam up to my ship it crashes after a few seconds...
  6. Nadairy

    Nadairy Orbital Explorer

    UMm wiring? i dont think so. I dont know what wiring is in that game yet.
  7. Nerva

    Nerva Parsec Taste Tester

    Maybe this forum will stop being a moron and let me post properly now that there's another reply...

    Aha, good. It's fixed.

    Wiring is stuff you do with the wire tool, which you get after the first ship upgrade. It lets you do neat things like have doors that automatially open or close, alarms that go off when you hit a switch or button, etc.

    Anyway, I've got some good news, and some bad news.

    The good news is that the problem might be ship-related. You may be able to salvage your character, including inventory, quest status, recipes learned, items scanned into the 3D printer, and stuff like that.

    The bad news, is that your ship and everything on it is probably a total loss. You can get a replacement ship, but it'll be blank. All your furniture and items stored on the ship will be gone. It will keep any ship upgrades you've gotten, though.

    Remember the UUID you found for your character? Delete or move the *.shipworld file that corresponds with that UUID, then start Starbound. Starbound will generate a blank, default ship for that character. If there's any items on that ship that are causing issues, this will wipe them and return the ship to it's default state.

    If the problem is on your ship, or if your *.shipworld file is corrupt, this may stop the crashing.
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2015
  8. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

  9. nimmerland

    nimmerland Existential Complex

  10. Nadairy

    Nadairy Orbital Explorer

    didnt work /:[DOUBLEPOST=1425589727][/DOUBLEPOST]
    didnt work /:
  11. nimmerland

    nimmerland Existential Complex

    The verifying, the universe.chunks or both? Please make sure the game is not running (you may restart your system before you try).

    Edit: Did you already try to delete / move the shipworld file of your broken character as @Nerva insisted?
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2015
  12. Nadairy

    Nadairy Orbital Explorer

    Yeah both and yeah i already moved my shipworld
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2015
  13. nimmerland

    nimmerland Existential Complex

    Btw. what exactly do you mean with your thread title "Game keeps crashing after starting up a file"?
  14. Nadairy

    Nadairy Orbital Explorer

    after i select my character, my game starts, and after a few seconds, it crashes[DOUBLEPOST=1425594975][/DOUBLEPOST]Got it fixed somehow.. I deleted the universe folder. Started up my game, took a while, guessing it was making a new universe folder, but the stuff i built on my home planet is gone, meh, buut i had most of my important stuff on my ship, thank you everyone for your help; amazing community and moderators, special thanks to you @Nerva.
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2015
  15. Nerva

    Nerva Parsec Taste Tester

    Sorry I wasn't more help. Odd that deleting the universe folder fixed the issue when you could beam down to a planet just fine, and the problem only asserted itself on your ship.
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