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Bug/Issue Game Crash on opening empty Traveling Cart

Discussion in 'Support' started by milkYw4i, May 21, 2016.

  1. milkYw4i

    milkYw4i Space Hobo

    So I just got curious on what would happen if you bought everything the travel cart in the forests has to offer.
    Buying everything lead to an out of stock message, after trying to open the trading menu again, the game crashed.

    Maybe I may toss the suggestion in here, that buying the whole inventory has some positive effect. Maybe it could permanently increase the number of items offered by one up to double the original number of items offered.

    I personally am in summer of year 3 and all i need to complete full shipping is a void egg (does having more than one coop increase the chance of the witch event?), so having a higher chance to get it from the cart would be much appreciated :)
    • Hudson557

      Hudson557 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

      I can confirm this. Went through the same steps, although I didn't know this was already attempted until today.
      I was just curious to see if the Traveling Cart would offer something different when sold out.
      Here is the video of it happening to me.

        Attached Files:

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