Game Crash - Logs + Save Included.

Discussion in 'Multiplayer' started by livetorise, May 22, 2018.

  1. livetorise

    livetorise Space Hobo

    So just today we've been having a issue where whenever we try to buy something from anyone regardless of it being robin or Pierre we get a crash. I have the latest log file from when I attempted to purchase something from Robin, Twas the Plasma TV. Then bam crash.

    Occurs to all players in the game atm.

    Not quite sure what to do that this point besides not purchase anything lol.
    Also no external mods where used during this game play.
    That being said, I have used CE (Cheat Engine), to edit some values in game of items, permanent stamina, and permanent HP.
    Another note though, CE was not on nor attached to the game in any way while the crashes have occurred though. So I believe it may be unrelated, just wanted to add the information though.

    Hopefully someone or we can figure out what is going on here.

    EDIT1 : Apparently it seems to be crashing only on cosmetic items/house items. You can buy seeds just fine, but the instant you attempt to buy flooring, wallpaper, or a item for your house it crashes. Regardless of who it is from.
    Happened from Pierre and Robin.
    Am testing more.

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      Last edited: May 22, 2018

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