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RELEASED Galactic Shops 4.4

Shops for many kind of things

  1. l4ng4m

    l4ng4m Orbital Explorer

    Crusism likes this.
  2. DJ_Zapple

    DJ_Zapple Pangalactic Porcupine

    New version works just fine. Though I've noticed one small annoyance - you can't really bookmark the teleporter. I did, but the next time I tried to teleport to the store using the ship's teleporter, it just... ported me to the ship again, and removed the teleport location. I had to use the original teleporter I crafted for 200 pixels again to go back.

    Pretty sure that's a pretty big bug. (I also noticed the otter that roams the teleporter room changes colors on occasion. Started brown, became pink, then black. Each visit seems to change it...)
    Kyttynjirr likes this.
  3. tzxazrael

    tzxazrael Big Damn Hero

    great mod, very convenient.

    would love to see raw meats in the food shop (bacon, steak, etc)
  4. Megsoiluj

    Megsoiluj Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Very well done, it feel total logic to have a Galactic Mega Market in the future. Now, I would like to recommend to add more visually appealing to the store, it feels too empty.

    Another thing it would be really convenient to have a separate tabs in the wardrobe machine, for hats, shirts, pants, etc...

    Now, that is just me being a little picky, again amazing mod. :D
  5. Tremerion

    Tremerion Existential Complex

    Crusism likes this.
  6. AArticuno3

    AArticuno3 Big Damn Hero

    what are the modules that I can buy at the tech shop? it says its supposed to add stuff to my armor, but how do I use it?
  7. Tremerion

    Tremerion Existential Complex

    You need to place them in your character's back slot. Modules will restore your health, energy, give light or allow oxygen on non-oxygen worlds. Or all of it if you get the ultimate module.
  8. Tremerion

    Tremerion Existential Complex

    Tremerion updated Galactic Shops with a new update entry:

    3.0 Galactic Market - More immersion

    Read the rest of this update entry...
    Crusism likes this.
  9. Crusism

    Crusism Big Damn Hero

    I hope you don't mind me asking so many questions out of curiosity. ><

    For the first, what made you choose Jezabel III as the planet to hold the Galatic Market? X'D

    For the second, is there a shop for Novakid furniture?
  10. KTrinsic

    KTrinsic Big Damn Hero

    Getting an error as both /objects/shopsdecor/armorshop/armorshopdecor2/armorshopdecor2.object and /objects/shopsdecor/armorshop/armorshopdecor2/armorshopdecor3.object have the same "objectName" : "armorshopdecor2"

    Also getting:
    [Error] Could not load recipe /recipes/glitchshopbig/woodenstool.recipe: (ItemException) ItemDescriptor spec variant not list, map, string, or null
    [Error] Could not instantiate item '[protectoratebooks2, 1, {}]'. (AssetException) Error loading asset /objects/protectorate/objects/protectoratebooks2/protectoratebooks2icon.png
  11. Crusism

    Crusism Big Damn Hero

    To add, I'm not sure if this is intentional or not, but the 'Special Shop' isn't craftable at the Architect's Table (3rd tier of the Inventor's Table) anymore.

    Either way, the 'Special Shop' is still available in the Galactic Market.
  12. Tremerion

    Tremerion Existential Complex

    Thank you for info. Yes, I forgot to change name for armorshopdecor3, not every decor was used in the end in Market world, but files are still in folders. Fix will be posted with next update, propably even today.
    Wooden stool recipe will be also fixed. In Market's Glitch Shop recipe file is broken. As for protectoratebooks 1 and 2, recipes files are looking good. It seems like your game cannot load them from game's assets. My mod only brings objects from assets by recipes. You can delete recipe files for this objects and see if this helps.
  13. Tremerion

    Tremerion Existential Complex

    I like to answer to questions about origins of my mods and concepts behind them :)

    Firstly, I wanted to make it similiar to the Outpost. Hence, Market in the beggining was on an asteroid. But even after remaking it to look more alive(from first version, with was an empty box-like base with boxes for shops) it still looked not immersive enough for me. So I've decided to make in to planet. I thought to make it on desert, so it would be similiar to Tatooine. But concept of green and more friendly place was better. Name Jezabel III is a hidden dedication to someone close to me. But I am thinking of changing name in the future. Tried already with a few from planet name generator(plenty of them on the internet).

    I am still learning how to work with Tiled to make new worlds.

    Shop for Novakid furniture is coming :)

    Special Shop as well as Vanity Shop, Dye Shop and Sell-Me will be cratable again in next update.
    Crusism likes this.
  14. KTrinsic

    KTrinsic Big Damn Hero

    I dug into the default assets and found the issue. There is no protectoratebooks2icon.png in objects/protectorate/objects/protectoratebooks2/. The icon file in that directory is named protectoratebooksicon.png. This is in version 1.1.1
  15. Tremerion

    Tremerion Existential Complex

    Tremerion updated Galactic Shops with a new update entry:

    Jump to 3.3

    Read the rest of this update entry...
    Crusism likes this.
  16. Tremerion

    Tremerion Existential Complex

    Tremerion updated Galactic Shops with a new update entry:

    3.4 - Novakid Shop

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  17. Iroaseta

    Iroaseta Guest

    Great mod! However, there seems to be some problems with the Vanity items.
    A lot of them appear invisible, both icon and the clothes themselves.

    My starbound.log is also spammed with these errors. It is not repeating but there are a lot of different stuffs with the same error :
    [Error] Could not load image asset '/items/armor/vanity/novakid/nova-tier6manipulatorvanity/icons.png:head', using placeholder default.
    (AssetException) No associated frames file found for image '/items/armor/vanity/novakid/nova-tier6manipulatorvanity/icons.png' while resolving image frame '/items/armor/vanity/novakid/nova-tier6manipulatorvanity/icons.png:head'

    I attached the starbound.log so that you can take a look at it.
    I also put one in pastebin so pick whichever you like.

    Attached Files:

  18. Tremerion

    Tremerion Existential Complex

    Strange. Vanity armors are copies of original armors, but without stats. That's all. Nothing changed just name to not cause errors. If you go to /items/armor/vanity/any race you will see that pictures are there. In my game all is fine. Solution(maybe) cut out folders: vanity from /items/armor and racial from /recipes/vanityshop and /recipes/vanityshopbig. It will delete this items from shops from game. Load your game. Go to shop, see if other items are fine and put folders back into mod folders. See what happens and let me know.
  19. Iroaseta

    Iroaseta Guest

    Alright, well, I got it originally from Steam, so I did the following methods :
    1) Re-subscribe it again (Same errors)
    2) Downloaded the one from here and extracted to mods folder without the Steam version (Same errors)
    3) Do what you mentioned by deleting 'Galactic Shops by Tremerion\items\armor\vanity' and 'Galactic Shops by Tremerion\recipes\vanityshop' + the vanityshopbig counterpart (No errors, but the vanity shop has zero items now)
    4) Putting them back (Same errors pop up again)

    Edit 1 : Woah, I misread a line of yours. Sorry. So I deleted the racial folder from the vanityshop and vanityshopbig folders, all the stuffs is clean and functioning now but there's no racial armours this time.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 19, 2016
  20. Tremerion

    Tremerion Existential Complex

    This is realy a strange error/bug. It should not happen, that is the point. From coding side all is right. It seems only way around for you is to buy racial armors from Armor shop and use themn in vanity slots. Expensive way around.

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