I know. Don't touch the shop for now. It is turned off in new update anyway, until I figure it out. Also furniture shop is off. Best way, delete whole mod folder and download new version. Special Shop is one of mod's shops.
Tremerion updated Galactic Shops with a new update entry: Furniture is back! Read the rest of this update entry...
Read the updates info. Weapon shop is turned off for now. Will be back in next update, I am working on it right now
Hey there, I have a bug/error to maybe report. From my understanding processors no longer are obtainable in game (as of 1.0) so all the shops that require them are unable to be crafted, ever. Am I wrong on this? I've been using a few, but now all of them require processor.
Thank you for bringing this. My whole time in game for now is to update my mods. Not of much playing. I will replace processor with teleport core in next update.
Tremerion updated Galactic Shops with a new update entry: Weapon Shop is back! Read the rest of this update entry...
Hi there. I wanted to ask if your mod will be available through steam workshop? And if not, why? Thank you in advance for your answer
I will add it to steam when it will be complete more than in this moment. I need to add many things first.
HI guys. I would like to ask how this mod works? From what I've known about mods for Starbound is that I just dump the folder or files in the "mod" folder then it should work. However, when I try to go to my Pixel Printer, I can't really find the shops...Any help would be appreciated.
You will find craftable shops in Inventor's Table. Instead of steel bars you will need tungsten bars. Buyable shops versions are in Special Shop. Dye Shop and Sell Me are only buyable from Inventor's Table. More shops will appear at level 2 and 3 of the Table.
Yessss weapon shop is back! Niceuuu. Thanks., --- Post updated --- How do we set/change the level of the items (weapons mainly) spawned by this mod?
Sorry for dumb question but , how do you instal module on armor ? (rounded module) EDIT ; nevermind , its a back equipement , but its possible to ad heat / cold and others protection on it ? cuz except on gentle star we can't use it :/
Hello, some feedback- game crashes (to main menu, not desktop though): 1. Apex- OK 2. Avian- crash. Exception caught in client main-loop (ItemException) No such item 'steelbookcase' 3. Floran- crash. Exception caught in client main-loop (ItemException) No such item 'floranceilingbones' 4. Glitch- OK 5. Human- OK 6. Hylotl- OK 7. Protectorate- OK 8. Special- OK 9. Pets- OK (no pets to buy, is this a bug?) 10. Sell- OK 11. Armor- OK 12. Weapon- OK well rest is OK too so I won't spam that. And also- I can't find fossil parts anywhere.
Yes its empty cuz you dont use his pet mod , its empty for me too. Also avoid black text please , many of us keep the black style on the forum
Tremerion updated Galactic Shops with a new update entry: More stuff Read the rest of this update entry...
Can you make the "Sell-me" shop able to buy even if its 0 pixel ? (like a trash for make space) , thx if you can. edit : i've tried to add something with a cost for be able to , but it didnt vanish item with 0 pixel cost , so i must destroy them 1 by 1 for now.
Infact now it aslo vanish item with 0pixel cost (i've put an item with a cost for be able to sell , butnocost item was sold this time) , idk if you changed that but it's ok now ^^
Tremerion updated Galactic Shops with a new update entry: 2.8 Galactic Market World Read the rest of this update entry...