Damn. I must added it from another mod. I am using Starcheat for finding code names of objects. I will upload version without this objects ASAP
Tremerion updated Galactic Shops with a new update entry: 2.1 - Furniture Shops - small fix Read the rest of this update entry...
Tremerion updated Galactic Shops with a new update entry: 2.2 - More Furniture Read the rest of this update entry...
Got an error on starbound.log: [20:18:02.775] Error: Could not load image asset '/objects/crafting/sellme_portable/sellme_portable.png:default.default', using placeholder default. (AssetException) No such frame default.default in frames spec /objects/crafting/sellme_portable/sellme_portable.frames
Delete sellme_portable folder at \Galactic Shops by Tremerion\objects\crafting This will fix this error
The pet shop is working? I see it completely empty and i dont know if it's an interaction with other mods. Forniture shop working fine and is very nice!!! PS: search function in the shop would be nice
The petshop I think is a future planned idea but currently does nothing. And yes I would love a search function.
Pet Shop was made specialy for my pet mods. So if you have any of them like Dog pet, it will be visible in Pet Shop. About search function: I wanted to add it, but to do so I would need to change interface window to other type and then not all items would be visible to buy. Sometimes game does not allow items to be visible in some type of interface windows. So it needs to be this way.
THANK YOU!! I always get those 'build this' quests in my game and this makes things so much easier. So very very very very very much easier. Also it works just Perfectly on the unstable version so far, so you don't have to worry about it. I didn't know there were steampunk chairs and such!
Tremerion updated Galactic Shops with a new update entry: Post-Launch update Read the rest of this update entry...
Tremerion updated Galactic Shops with a new update entry: Vanity is back! Read the rest of this update entry...
I don't see them in the pixel printer... what am I doing wrong? EDIT: nvm, spawned them with commands, however, weapon shop crashes the game on opening it.
You will find craftable shops in Inventor's Table. At least for now, until ( maybe ) I figure out other way. Buyable versions are in Special Shop.
What is special shop? Also, weaponshop crashes the game says 'could not find assaultrifles5' or something like that.