Furnace pickle

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by wiiija, Jun 16, 2019.

  1. wiiija

    wiiija Space Hobo

    Hi! I am new to the forum, sorry if I am posting this in the wrong place. If so, I very much appreciate redirection.

    I play on iPhone, and I accidentally blew up my four furnaces with a medium bomb.
    At this point, I have already finished the Blacksmith's Bundle where I got a furnace from this bundle.

    Right now, I have 13 bars of copper and it takes 20 bars (as well as stone) to make a new furnace.
    And Clint only sells copper ore.

    This means I am not able to make another furnace with the resources at hand.
    Is the only way of gaining 7 more copper bars by killing Shadow Brutes / Shadow Shamans which might drop one by 4% ? Any other suggestions?

    All the best :catface:
    • Ringeltree

      Ringeltree Space Spelunker

      It only takes ore, not bars to make a furnace, so you should be okay. I would have restarted the day after that bomb, so you are better than I am!
      • wiiija

        wiiija Space Hobo

        Wow, yes, I totally misread copper bars for copper ore. This post can definitely be deleted. So sorry, guys! Thank for the headsup!
        • Elenna101

          Elenna101 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

          tbh I'm a little curious how you thought you made your very first furnace if they needed copper bars... then again I've definitely made dumber mistakes. :p

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