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Bug/Issue Furnace gets detached always?

Discussion in 'Support' started by Chleiya, Feb 29, 2016.

  1. Chleiya

    Chleiya Phantasmal Quasar

    After i processed my copper ores, and its ready, whenever i remove the copper bar, the furnace jumps and gets detached, it goes back into my inventory. I m pretty sure, its a bug.
    • rapinii

      rapinii Scruffy Nerf-Herder

      I have a weird glitch that does this once in a while, like I'll hear the pickaxe (maybe? a noise anyway) and the crafting things I interact with always get detached. Same with mayonnaise maker and brewers. Even putting my items away makes it still happen. Restarting the game fixes it for me. Do you play with a controller? I assumed my game was getting confused about cursor stuff + controller but if you don't play with one then maybe I was mistaken.
      • madpinger

        madpinger Void-Bound Voyager

        If you empty your hand and then go to remove a finished item from a placed machine it'll break it. Till that's fixed just change your current hot key slot selection so you have something selected instead of the empty slot from emptying it prior, is my guess to what's happening. ^.^

        That's been reported right ?
        • FiveFives

          FiveFives Subatomic Cosmonaut

          Yep, just make sure you have something in your hand for the time being. I equip my weapon when working with machines because (ironically) it's the one tool I carry around that can't accidentally break it.

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