Naomi(one of mine): time to go mining, better cook something to take with me. Oh I forgot to pet my cat. I should get some lumber. Wasn't I going to do something? Cook to go mining...gave my food as presents. Cook some more. My jam is done, and my inventory is full better sell the extras. Oh I have to go mining. Gets distracted by Elliot. Then Alex. Then Sebastian. Then Harvey. Talks to a few more people. It's getting dark what was going to to wizard. Right mining! Goes to the try fishing again.... Time for bed. Forgot to feed my animals, shame on me. In bed...what was I going to do today? ....yes this happened several times while playing for several days in game...and I realized just now that I still have not gone into the mines to get the cave carrots I need lol. Feel free to share your moments with me though I doubt anyone is as easily distracted as I am.
Start to get stuff together to go to Robin to upgrade house. End up reorganizing inventory. Leave house and do rounds of fishing. Get to Robin's House, stare at it in consideration for several seconds. Go to mine instead. Progress down three floors, realize that inventory is full of stuff because I was going to upgrade house. Torn between getting next elevator and leaving to lodge order. Decide to finish getting next elevator. Wind up getting next two elevators instead of the one. Leave mine, go to Robin's. She isn't at work. Shrug and give Sebastian and Maru quartz while making metaphorical middle finger to Demetrius. Decide to try to give Abigail gift. Not at Pierre's. Not at Beach. Not at Rasmodius' tower. Not at Saloo- oh hai Shane. Buy Shane drink, spend 30 minutes in game more or less hanging out with him despite lack of cycling dialogue. Whoops, it's ten PM. See Abigail on way back to farm. 'What was I going to do again?' Ships gems/minerals. Goes to sleep. Crap I never gave Abigail the thing. And this is why I have yet to get Abigail past 4 hearts.
*walk halfway across town* Shoot I forgot I was going to do something for the museum! *walk back* *walk halfway across town* AND I FORGOT MY GEODES! DX *walk back get Geodes, start across town* today a good luck day? *walk back to tv* Oh its not very good luck, I wont bother with the geodes... *walk back to drop off single artifact, do day, start next day* ....I forgot to watch Queen of Sauce yesterday. ;~;
Lol glad I'm not the only one, I didn't know that good luck could effect the geodes though I've never had one processed on any other day so I guess that's good I usually just talk to Abby if I don't have flowers on the off chance I want to go to the store to jump in parent's bed for no reason...hehe.
Rawrgna (me) Okay! ill just talk to my waifu and head to the mines! wait... I was supposed to milk the cows. Ok, ill just water these plants and gift some void essence to the wizard. Oooh fishing, maybe ill get some easy quartz on my way to... wait, where was I... oh right, hat mouse. ok no easy quartz for me... hmm... oh, theres Leah *suddenly remembers gifting jealousy* oh snap, scratch that plan. Ok... wait, why am I even in the saloon again? *walks to Willy`s as the clock marks 5* dang it!! *spots a mine cart* .... THE MINES!!! ok ill get to the mines this time... oh hi Linus! *gets a bait recipe from Linus* ok that was cool... wait, what was I doing again? meh, time to head home *right clicks waifu* wait, didnt I kiss you this morning? *recieves a starfruit* oooooh shiny *spots the mayonaisse machine* OMG I FORGOT THE CHICKENS FEED!!! I legit finished that day getting to bed at 1:50 AM... and yes, I am still on my way to the mines...
Well considering I chased butterflies for almost half a season (The first season first year) umm... Yeah I got a few things done aimlessly. Now even on year 2 almost summer I haven't really got a big farm, and more or less barely touched fishing. At least the relationships around town is doing well. Anyone that I crossed paths with I talk to. I get distracted easily, but... I also have a high focus on the primary things I want to do. I make those plans pretty broad, so I if I do miss one I am to note and get it done later. Not the most distracted, just enough to get side tracked into a chain of other things; as this game is quite a beauty to just roam around picking and looking for forage.
heh, I finally got around to deleting my test save, maybe my attention span will get better....okay I admit I still chased Elliot around at random and didn't get much done
For me it's usually coupled with a lot of tunnel vision. Okay! Today I'm going to give this freaking gift to Sebastian because today is his birthday and then I'll go break geodes and then go mining! Oops, but first of all gotta take care of things here.. Water things, Love all animals-- oops my inventory is full, dang it. Gotta go back to my home and sort things out. Okay, time to pick dem eggs and milks! Nooooow, what. Oh right Seb. Go back to my home, pick the gift, walk to town... ...Where the hell is Jodi? Not in his home. ..... FRICK YOU I'M LOOKING FOR YOU SEBASTIAN ARE YOU IN SAM'S HOUSE? NOPE ARE YOU IN THE SALOON? NOPE ARE YOU IN PIERRE'S NOPE WHERE THE FRICK ARE YOU SEBASTIAN THE LAKE? THE FOREST? FRICK MINING FRICK CLINT WHERE THE FRICK ARE YOU SEBASTIAN SEBASTIAAAAAN *cuts to 8-9 PM and I'm waiting outside Robin's house* Oh hi Robin, hi Demetrius, hi Maru, don't mind me..... just haaanging around, chilling with my guy Linus.. THERE YOU ARE YOU FRICKING SEBASTIAN *hands gift* ...well. Time to go home. The next birthday is...Harvey, yes?
Man...that was me on Elliot's birthday my first year first run where I was just starting to try to make friends so I didn't have him at two hearts thus couldn't enter his house. So it was half the day of me going "is he home? But what if I go to look for him and I miss him? ELLIOT. COME OUT OF YOUR HOUSE SO I CAN GIVE YOU THIS LOBSTER! BECOME MY FRIEND." Half the time I kind of feel like I'm the weird creepy person who just stands outside folks house and are like "oh! Hey there! Fancy meeting you right outside your house at 8AM. Here's your salad. Take care." before proceeding to run off to Robin's house to wait in the stairwell to Sebastian's room to throw a frozen tear at his face. The worst is Jas cause she'll be like "I'm not supposed to talk to strangers" and "I don't know you" and I am all "I am sorry little girl! Just take this flower anyways ok!"
Sssstaaaalkeeeeeerrrr!! *forgots what I was doing inside the greenhouse* GODDAMNIT ALL! well... the plants are watered... but I seriously shouldnt have unlocked the greenhouse... half of the time Idk if I watered anything or not >w<
This game forgot to mention that it makes stalking a near full time job, I keep a reasonably sized farm just so I can stand outside people's houses, now if more of them hung out at the saloon or something I could stalk them less. Actually after playing for a bit I should be used to when I can and can't get in Pierre's shop, but I was too early ah well I can just stand outside as close to the glass door as possible no biggie. lol
I didn't know the bowl could be filled until I got married in year 2 and Harvey did it for me for the first time in a year and half a season. There are ponds nearby, though, so my headcanon is that that's where it's been getting its water.
I should start with that I got 159 hours gameplay by now, so I should know my way around in the game... and to plan how to plan my day. So it started with Pierre sending me a mail... Come to my shop and buy a backpack (its a new save).. I immediately run to his shop Crap its just 7 am... Runs around town and ranacks everyone trashcans and talk to Alex YES ITS 9am runs to Pierre's Frick its wednesday, how didn't I notice that before, better go talk to everyone Let's start with Clint goes to there Crap I got tons of geodes (from clearing my farm space alittle).. It's already 1pm Gets my geodes.. Oh I almost forgot my parsnips better water them My can is empty better fill... Water my parsnips Thats an annoying tree better cut it down, and that 1 to and that 1 Craps it 4 am to late for geodes. Might was well go fish in the lake near Sebs house What?! They cleared the way to the mine when did this happen, I missed that?! Enters mine... Crap my inventory is full, better go back 7 am 7 am I forgot to talk to people to day in the town and gift them Gets to down entrs Saloon gift Shane something. Crap that was all my geodes Time for bed its already to late to do anything That was one of my more productive days :S
hmm lets see.. A normal day for lanny. 6 am : gets up checks tv 630am: Goes outside see's letter oh Pierre has the last backpack upgrade 7:25am: Gets into town crap he's closed -sits in front of the store- 9 am: goes inside relize I don't have the cash to buy the backpack so I buy more seeds 11 am: Finish planting seeds relize it was wasted gold as the season ends in 4 days...-cries- 2pm: Went fishing but forgot to get bait 3pm: Goes back home and forgot to water the rest of my crop. 5pm: Raging because I forgot to talk to everyone. 8pm: Clearing out the west side of the farm 11pm: Ran out of energy 2:am Forgot to sleep *#^&$#&$ And that about sums it up...
it's the little dish next to the wood area your pet sometimes sleeps on. hah you guys make me laugh, you know I am doing something right making money to get my things going Harvey is already at four hearts so I'll probably end up married to him first. so after hoping my attention span would get better I still forget things, it's not my fault my brain finds the music soothing and I just get relaxed while playing. Started the day by clearing space for more crops, have the money, wood and stone for the silo so I rush over to get it. Notice what I had, somehow after I just finished with my test save I forgot what else I needed for the silo. Went down in the mine to get coal, didn't find any so I thought I would just go buy some I see that it's almost four thirty. 'Oh hey if I hurry I can get to the shop!' nope it closes at four which I should have known lol. Then I realized I hadn't really talked to anyone and I still hadn't planted my new seeds which for some reason I had been staring at but though I
Well..I'm broke right now since I'm ummm seeing all ten uhhh candidates thats another whole time line its self but I fear someone would die from laughing lol
Like this. 6am: gets up and waters small crop feild 645am : Runs into town 7am: Forgets gifts runs back home and stocks up. 8am: Gives a gift with penny and makes out under trees 9am: Runs over to abby's gives her gifts plays a game 930am: Runs over to harveys gives gift and gets an exam done. 10am: Catchs breath then runs down to the beach and watchs ocean view with Elliot 1030am: Rushes back to town and visits haley making out again. 11am: Rushes over next door jams with sam. 12pm: Panting takes a ralxing break with leah in her cabin 1pm: Runs over to the mountains and visits maru while being her lab experiment. 2pm: Goes down stairs and enjoys some time with sebby. 3pm:goes over and visits Alex plays some ball with shirts off. 4pm: Catchs a snack at the saloon. 5pm: Stalks shane 6pm: Goes home 7pm: Passes out.