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Outdated Fuel Rod Fix 1.3.2

Fixes fuel rods halving the fuel output of the material ores.

  1. Nate McCloud

    Nate McCloud Existential Complex

    Nate McCloud submitted a new mod:

    Fuel Rod Fix - Fixes fuel rods halving the fuel output of the material ores.

    Read more about this mod...
  2. CaptainFoxx

    CaptainFoxx Pangalactic Porcupine

    So there still isn't any advantage to converting these fuel ores into rods
  3. Nate McCloud

    Nate McCloud Existential Complex

    Saving space, if you have too many of them? If it's really an issue, though, I can release a second mod that gives a little extra fuel for conversion to a rod...like maybe 10 fuel for Uranium, 15 for Plutonium, and 20 for Solarium.
  4. Nate McCloud

    Nate McCloud Existential Complex

  5. Nate McCloud

    Nate McCloud Existential Complex

    Cipherstar likes this.
  6. Nate McCloud

    Nate McCloud Existential Complex

  7. Nate McCloud

    Nate McCloud Existential Complex

  8. Sylvioux

    Sylvioux Void-Bound Voyager

    Does this work on multiplayer servers by chance, even if they don't have the mod?
  9. Nate McCloud

    Nate McCloud Existential Complex

    Sadly, no. :( It will look like you'll get the full value when you put it in the fuel tank, but when you actually click Fuel, you'll only get the unmodded value. However, if I'm not mistaken, if the mod is being run on the server, it should work even if the other players don't have it.
  10. CuttsAndBruises

    CuttsAndBruises Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    We run it on a four man server with a dedicated host. It does indeed work; and I've kept a close eye on logs for any errors from mods. There is nothing to report for your mod. It's doing exactly what it's meant to. Thank you for the release.
  11. Nate McCloud

    Nate McCloud Existential Complex

    Was the mod used on the dedicated server computer?
  12. CuttsAndBruises

    CuttsAndBruises Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Yes it was. It was on the dedicated server and all four clients. We run around 60 mods and the only ones that aren't on the server are Big Chat by Mr.Magical and Extra Zoom Levels by Patchumz. These are optional among the clients; I think only half of us run Big Chat.

    I encourage the other users to vote for the mods they like, so hopefully they hear me when I say how important the mod authors' works are. Thank you again!
  13. Nate McCloud

    Nate McCloud Existential Complex

    It will work in multiplayer as long as the dedicated server has the mod. If the server itself does not have the mod, it will not work, even if the other players do have it. That's what I was saying.
    CuttsAndBruises likes this.
  14. wolfboyft

    wolfboyft Pangalactic Porcupine

    Give at least 2 more fuel units, to make smelting them worth it.
  15. Nate McCloud

    Nate McCloud Existential Complex

    It was done this way primarily since it costs absolutely nothing to smelt them, but I may eventually make an alternate version for people who want more benefit from smelted rods than from the equivalent ingredients.
  16. Nate McCloud

    Nate McCloud Existential Complex

  17. Nate McCloud

    Nate McCloud Existential Complex

    Unfortunately, my main computer is presently on the fritz. :( I will be unable to access my mod files until I get it fixed, as attempting to access them now will risk corrupting them. My deepest apologies to the users of this mod!

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