rare_candy_bracelet submitted a new mod: Frontier Expansion - More Novakid Furniture Read more about this mod...
i would if i could, my man, but I have a macbook and I can't for the life of me find a guide that'll help me upload it to steam. which sucks! I know it'd get more coverage there too!
honestly, I was actually very tired when i first attempted that tutorial. But now that I've looked it over again it seems like I'll be able to upload to the workshop now! Thanks a bunch! I was very close to giving up on it entirely!!
Recently I started a new game with a novakid and I was having a hard time decorating my farm house with novakid stuff, and this mod is just perfect for me, it's like vanilla objects, doesn't even seem to be a mod! Now I have a suggestion: could you add a frontier cooking table and a microwave? Would be really cool to have them. I've added the recipes for my personal use, I could attach it here in the discussion, but first I want to know if rare candy bracelet would let me do that.
hey thanks a bunch! I'm glad to hear they mesh well with the vanilla assets! it was one of the biggest goals of this mod. and I can certainly try!! I was thinking about making a cooking counter for each race, actually! yes please, feel free!
Racial cooking counters sounds great! Looking forward for your work! I attached the mod with recipes added to the wooden workbench, I also made them require resources to be crafted.
rare_candy_bracelet updated Frontier Expansion with a new update entry: Big Ticket Items + Support! Read the rest of this update entry...
Hope you keep making Novakid stuff. Best race in the game and they hardly got anything. You plan on making it so you can buy/craft the furniture? Not a fan of using admin commands.
rare_candy_bracelet updated Frontier Expansion with a new update entry: Whoops! Read the rest of this update entry...
thanks again for the lovely work, I always adore new decorations that fit in with existing styles. I have a small suggestion for your mod if i may... some of us dislike tabula rasa or using admin commands to spawn in items and prefer a more organic implementation(not dumping a hundred million items onto an outpost NPC... lord no) my suggestion is to add a single, new piece of furniture to frogg furnishing, like a nice pretty frontier toolshed, something like what you'd see on a farm, with tools for raising animals and farm work, the toolshed itself would be a clone of a vending machine item, rather than dispensing food, it dispenses frontier objects, so you could plop down the vendor somewhere on your property as decoration, and pull whatever items you need out of your storage shed thus reducing clutter and adding even more decor in the process, with the bonus of not needing any kind external mod or "cheats"(great for servers), and not needing any recipe files to distribute items(reduces startup load times in heavily modded games)
yes, yes!! this is the sort of thing I was thinking of! I just want to make a suitably awesome crafting item. I swear, I'll work on putting something out soon. I don't want this mod to be too predictable after all.
Would it be possible to make the chicken coops and barn intractable? Would be a much prettier way to get eggs.