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WIP Friends List - Server/Client: See Who's online! (Open Source/GitHub)

Discussion in 'Other' started by DigitalEagle, Feb 3, 2014.

  1. DigitalEagle

    DigitalEagle Space Spelunker

    This is a WIP (Alpha). I started development on this for my friends server so we could stop playing guessing games to who was online and making grouping a bit easier.

    It's not perfect, but it works for us. If you might find a use for it and it makes your private server a better place, then you are entirely welcome to use it.

    Server Side Screenshot: ScreenShot 1

    Client Side Screenshots: ScreenShot 1 - ScreenShot 2 - ScreenShot 3 - ScreenShot 4

    GitHub(Source) GitHub Repository - Feel free to tinker and have a look around.

    Dropbox(Binaries) Dropbox Download- Unzip and run from wherever. No install required.

    For Server-Side (StarMonitor.EXE)

    Requirements for Server-side:

    • Sorry, only Windows at this time. (Requires .NET 4)
    • Have Starbound.
    • Forward port 21012 for the Server/Client Player server.

    • Use the Browse button to navigate to the Starbound root directory. (Not the Win32 directory) Do not copy and paste the directory path in the text box. This doesn't work at the moment. I got sleepy and forgot to fix it.
    • Click "Start Server" to start the server. This will also start the Player server and start listening on port 21012.
    That's it! Your Starbound server is running in the background and the usual console nonsense will show in the StarMonitor console display. Click "Stop Server" to stop the server. Click "Hide" to hide the window entirely down to your notification tray! Double clicking this icon will bring it back.

    For ClientSide (StarMonitorClient.EXE)

    Requirements for Server-side:

    • Sorry, only Windows at this time. (Requires .NET 4)
    • Have Starbound.
    • Have a server that is using StarMonitor.

    • Enter in server IP Address.
    • Click "Connect" to connect to the server.
    That's it! Once connected, a friends list window should appear in the bottom right of the screen.

    This friends list will not overlay your Starbound game, but the alerts show who is coming online or going offline will appear over the game must like the Steam pop-ups in game. You may hide this window if you wish by clicking "Hide" on the top right.

    Click "Disconnect" to... well... disconnect.

    Click "Hide" to hide the window entirely down to your notification tray!

    Right click the icon to show the Server Connection screen, the Players list, or to quit the application.

    This is Alpha and I really wrote this for use with me and my buddies, but make use of it and let me know if there are any issues you need me to work the kinks out on.

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