I said go with whatever you'd like. but I guess if I'd say anything, a slightly darker color than the base for the large pink house?
I am SO GLAD you made seasonal textures for the grass, because I did not even consider how stupid all this work will look in other seasons.
I actually like the green grass in winter. I mean, it does happen here, when there is grass and it snows and you can still some of the grass.
Hello MiaEmilia. I love the dark brown barn. If you get a chance can you make the Player house similar?
Hi there! I really like the things you are doing. I'm not using it myself, but they look nice. One thing I'm asking myself... I had an idea about editing the stepping stones and put grass on it, so they look a little more pretty. Then I remembered that you made grass paths and was wondering, if you would like to combine the stepping stone and your grass paths? Otherwise I'll do it myself, that would be no problem ^^
So I really wanted the grass to replace the gravel path instead of the wood path, and I am impatient and didn't want to wait any more so I did it myself ^^ I just did it to use temporarily until MiaEmilia makes her own version for gravel, but I thought that until then some people here might like to use it too, so I'll post a download link to it just in case Though I recommend you to swap over to MiaEmilia's version if/when she makes once since it is her who made the grass path c: I only did the green grass version but I could do the others if anyone really wants it. https://mega.nz/#!ktM00DID!TG3H4s55gXPxzE-IkJj9KRJOgXdZ3ju7DtP_f2BAa8Q
No I know, my one is just temporary until you have time to make one ^^ I thought people might like to have it in their game now, but I can remove it if you want, I mostly made it for myself
That is no problem ^_^ I only want to informate, that they are coming soon. I want to change the sound, too (when I found out where the sounds are )
Ah okay! Oooo I'm excited for the sounds ^^ The only reason I did it is I was planning the layout of my farm and I needed to see if I like how the grass will look around my trees (And it turns out I do like it! )
Yeah, It looks so fantastic around the Trees I did this yesterday I hope in one of the next versions you can plant the original-grass on your farm (with the flowers and tiny plants on it... and you can place paths on it )
On the recoloured original design Stables, it's only linked to the Brown roofed download, not the green (which is the one I was aiming for).