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RELEASED FrackinUniverse

Enhance your starbound experience in every area. Massive mod.

  1. Mix.quail

    Mix.quail Space Spelunker

    Привет! Отличный мод. Играю с ним и другими модами, с радостью и ожиданием того, что еще встретится на пути).
    У меня есть вопрос... безопасно ли добавлять мод Pandora Box в мою коллекцию модов? Или будет глючить?

    English translation:
    Hello! Great mod. I play with it and other mods, with joy and anticipation of what else will meet on the way).I have a question... is it safe to add the Pandora Box mod to my mod collection? Or will it glitch?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 19, 2022
  2. tigerfestival

    tigerfestival Cosmic Narwhal

    Pandora's box is integrated into FU. So there is no reason to use it's standalone.
  3. Mix.quail

    Mix.quail Space Spelunker

    Thank you very much! Now I will know that this mod is there.
    Translation into Russian :
    Спасибо большое! Теперь буду знать что этот мод там есть.
  4. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

    Please just use English. Nobody on staff speaks Russian, thanks. You can translate off-site.
  5. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

  6. Hello, got a question about armor stats description. What do armor properties like life leech (Sanguine set), undying resolve (Necrontir set) or auto-medic (Densium EVA set) actually do? What do percentages near them mean?
    P. S. searched on wiki and found nothing
  7. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

    That information is in the codexes in your ship locker.
    Arti78 likes this.
  8. Morkovka

    Morkovka Big Damn Hero

    When downloading the version from the link, it is 6.2.6 and not 6.2.7, please specify.
  9. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

    I have no idea what you are saying. The release is correct.
  10. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

  11. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

  12. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

  13. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

  14. Sinte Monterne

    Sinte Monterne Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    When you have already repaired the mission "Infiltration"? Whenever I try to pass it, the game gives me an error

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  15. tigerfestival

    tigerfestival Cosmic Narwhal

    I doubt Sayter can help you without a log.
  16. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

    Correct, which is why the main page specifically states this.
  17. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

  18. rpg4e

    rpg4e Phantasmal Quasar

    Which bees prefer which flowers when I have set up apiaries??? Also does the biome or the ground make a difference?
  19. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

    The wiki answers literally everything you need to know.
    rpg4e and Arti78 like this.

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