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RELEASED FrackinUniverse

Enhance your starbound experience in every area. Massive mod.

  1. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

    Please read literally the first text on the mod page and follow those instructions. We cannot help without a log. And provide that only after you have ensured that :
    a) you have version 1.4.4 of starbound. It will not function on anything lower.
    b) you have none of the incomaptible mods linked on the main page installed
    Akum likes this.
  2. Akum

    Akum Intergalactic Tourist

    Here is my log..

    Attached Files:

  3. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

    I will need a log from directly after you are warped back to your ship. repeat the issue, and then right away get your log. Then paste it here, and reply with the link it creates: https://pastebin.com/
  4. Akum

    Akum Intergalactic Tourist

    Oh.. ok.. right now im waiting that the warp image unfreeze and get me back on the ship.. 40 min and counting.. if y force Stop to the game, give me.the log that post before..

    Note: i make this from my Cellphone.. i dont have ethernet on my Pc..
  5. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

  6. Sock_Bunny

    Sock_Bunny Existential Complex

    yonttebloke likes this.
  7. Aedion Ashryver

    Aedion Ashryver Void-Bound Voyager

    Good Afternoon Sayter and the team! I have loved this mod for the last 3 years i have played the game, i now have wanted to poke my head into making my own personal mod. My Gf wants things like pugs and other silly things in the game when we play. That said, i cannot seem to find any tutorial on how to make a mod specifically for "addon" purposes to your immense and massively complex monster of a Mod. while it has been easy to make a simple mod I have no idea how to tie it into yours. upon seeing your own addon's like interface etc, i may just unpak those and snoop around to see how it works. If you have any suggestions or ideas that would be fantastic, if you are busy i quite understand! once again, Thank you for the mod that honestly makes the game worth playing! Chow for Now!
  8. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

    Best advice there is to dive into google and start hunting on how to mod, etc. The only way you learn is by doing, and that's how I started! The only real thing you'd need to worry about if it was an addon, and not your own content that does not in any way rely on FU, you simply need to put FrackinUniverse in the includes section of the metadata file.
    Arti78 likes this.
  9. Aedion Ashryver

    Aedion Ashryver Void-Bound Voyager

    My first venture was into learning to mod Minecraft like when i was a chitlin, now i have been slowly researching and honestly Starbound modding looks super simple. lua maybe a bit harder but compared to straight up java where you do not even get source files it looks easy enough, not usually having the chance too and seeing that you reply i would love to ask. What inspired you to make FU? is FU a hobby or how many hours daily/weekly have you put into the behemoth of a mod, which, in my opinion, renders starbound itself kind of plain by comparison.
  10. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

    I got bored. Decided to make a plant. It slightly snowballed from there :)

    Been working on the mod for about 8 years. These days I barely touch it, but I've put about 14000 hours into it.
    lordbociek and Arti78 like this.
  11. Aedion Ashryver

    Aedion Ashryver Void-Bound Voyager

    it is all too comical that so many great things come from really simple origins. I hope I create a mod 1/90'th of yours from the origins of my girlfriend wanting pug's in game :) one thing I noticed is most of the modding tutorials are horribly old. 2015 etc. maybe some 2017's in there. that is pretty old for a game that is still "alive" yah know. then again I guess the game has not changed much. :) I hope you do not mind me perusing your mod's files. there is so much to be learned there where tutorials fail to show or mention things. My favorite part of FU is the science outpost, it is such a cool place to just chill, and the starbuks dude. I seriously head over there occasionally in game just to be like "ahhh yess, coffee, what my character would do. Yah know? truly a fantastic mod you have made. In its vast "ramblings" of train of thought you can really tell how much effort was put into it. especially since there are those tiny "joke" details in such a massive and very pointed overhaul.
    Have a good night and thank you for replying to my messages :)

    ~Aedion Ash
  12. keodeoge

    keodeoge Space Spelunker

    can some one help me ? my game crash but the log didn't show which mod cause it . the last mod install before crash is FrackinUniverse 6.2.1

    [23:00:52.532] [Info] Root: Preparing Root...
    [23:00:52.535] [Info] Root: Done preparing Root.
    [23:00:52.535] [Info] Client Version 1.4.4 (windows x86_64) Source ID: 8cbe6faf22282659828a194e06a08999f213769e Protocol: 747
    [23:00:52.537] [Info] Root: Scanning for asset sources in directory '..\assets\'
    [23:00:52.888] [Info] Root: Scanning for asset sources in directory '..\mods\'
    [23:00:53.177] [Warn] Root: Overriding duplicate asset source '..\mods\1426017250 .pak' named 'Dibarusche' with higher or equal priority source '..\mods\Dibarusche.pak
    [23:00:53.273] [Warn] Root: Overriding duplicate asset source '..\mods\729597107.pak' named 'Familiars' with higher or equal priority source '..\mods\Familiars_V2_51
    [23:00:54.229] [Warn] Root: Overriding duplicate asset source '..\mods\Sexbound2.7Bunnykin.pak' named 'SexboundAPI_bunnykin' with higher or equal priority source '..\mods\SexboundAPI_bunnykin
    [23:00:54.256] [Warn] Root: Overriding duplicate asset source '..\mods\CustomSpeciesTemplate' named 'sexbound_[replace_me_with_species_name]' with higher or equal priority source '..\mods\SxB - Gyrusen.pak
    [23:00:54.474] [Warn] Root: Unrecognized file in asset directory 'mods_go_here', skipping
    [23:00:54.721] [Info] Root: Shutting down Root
    [23:00:56.181] [Error] Fatal Exception caught: (ApplicationException) Application threw exception during startup
    [0] 7ff6bce5a213 Star::captureStack
    [1] 7ff6bce58f9e Star::StarException::StarException
    [2] 7ff6bce59088 Star::StarException::StarException
    [3] 7ff6bd56a560 Star::ApplicationException::ApplicationException
    [4] 7ff6bd81361a `Star::SdlPlatform::SdlPlatform'::`1'::catch$315
    [5] 7ffc2f7e1030
    [6] 7ffc2f7e43a8 is_exception_typeof
    [7] 7ffc36a71426 RtlCaptureContext2
    [8] 7ff6bd56a892 Star::SdlPlatform::SdlPlatform
    [9] 7ff6bd56d682 Star::runMainApplication
    [10] 7ff6bcda7731 WinMain
    [11] 7ff6bd7507af __scrt_common_main_seh
    [12] 7ffc35257034 BaseThreadInitThunk
    [13] 7ffc36a22651 RtlUserThreadStart
    Caused by: (StarException) Asset dependencies form a cycle
    [0] 7ff6bce5a213 Star::captureStack
    [1] 7ff6bce58f9e Star::StarException::StarException
    [2] 7ff6bce592e5 Star::StarException::StarException
    [3] 7ff6bd1f025d <lambda_dd839ce1444433733421897c86cbef3a>::eek:perator()
    [4] 7ff6bd1f201c std::_Func_impl<<lambda_dd839ce1444433733421897c86cbef3a>,std::allocator<int>,void,std::shared_ptr<`Star::Root::scanForAssetSources'::`2'::AssetSource> >::_Do_call
    [5] 7ff6bd1f06b1 std::_Func_class<void,std::shared_ptr<`Star::Root::scanForAssetSources'::`2'::AssetSource> >::eek:perator()
    [6] 7ff6bd1f039d <lambda_dd839ce1444433733421897c86cbef3a>::eek:perator()
    [7] 7ff6bd1f201c std::_Func_impl<<lambda_dd839ce1444433733421897c86cbef3a>,std::allocator<int>,void,std::shared_ptr<`Star::Root::scanForAssetSources'::`2'::AssetSource> >::_Do_call
    [8] 7ff6bd1f06b1 std::_Func_class<void,std::shared_ptr<`Star::Root::scanForAssetSources'::`2'::AssetSource> >::eek:perator()
    [9] 7ff6bd1f039d <lambda_dd839ce1444433733421897c86cbef3a>::eek:perator()
    [10] 7ff6bd1f201c std::_Func_impl<<lambda_dd839ce1444433733421897c86cbef3a>,std::allocator<int>,void,std::shared_ptr<`Star::Root::scanForAssetSources'::`2'::AssetSource> >::_Do_call
    [11] 7ff6bd1f06b1 std::_Func_class<void,std::shared_ptr<`Star::Root::scanForAssetSources'::`2'::AssetSource> >::eek:perator()
    [12] 7ff6bd1f039d <lambda_dd839ce1444433733421897c86cbef3a>::eek:perator()
    [13] 7ff6bd1f201c std::_Func_impl<<lambda_dd839ce1444433733421897c86cbef3a>,std::allocator<int>,void,std::shared_ptr<`Star::Root::scanForAssetSources'::`2'::AssetSource> >::_Do_call
    [14] 7ff6bd1f06b1 std::_Func_class<void,std::shared_ptr<`Star::Root::scanForAssetSources'::`2'::AssetSource> >::eek:perator()
    [15] 7ff6bd1f92b7 Star::Root::scanForAssetSources
    [16] 7ff6bd1ef8c5 <lambda_629bd0625747976ff7eb77559f7c4f59>::eek:perator()
    [17] 7ff6bd1e1d0f std::_Invoker_functor::_Call<<lambda_629bd0625747976ff7eb77559f7c4f59> & __ptr64>
    [18] 7ff6bd1e58d6 std::invoke<<lambda_629bd0625747976ff7eb77559f7c4f59> & __ptr64>
    [19] 7ff6bd1e3069 std::_Invoke_ret<std::shared_ptr<Star::Assets>,<lambda_629bd0625747976ff7eb77559f7c4f59> & __ptr64>
    [20] 7ff6bd1f1b66 std::_Func_impl<<lambda_629bd0625747976ff7eb77559f7c4f59>,std::allocator<int>,std::shared_ptr<Star::Assets> >::_Do_call
    [21] 7ff6bd1f0677 std::_Func_class<std::shared_ptr<Star::SpawnTypeDatabase> >::eek:perator()
    [22] 7ff6bd1e6a83 Star::Root::loadMemberFunction<Star::Assets>
    [23] 7ff6bd1f3b25 Star::Root::assets
    [24] 7ff6bcda345e Star::ClientApplication::startup
    [25] 7ff6bd56a892 Star::SdlPlatform::SdlPlatform
    [26] 7ff6bd56d682 Star::runMainApplication
    [27] 7ff6bcda7731 WinMain
    [28] 7ff6bd7507af __scrt_common_main_seh
    [29] 7ffc35257034 BaseThreadInitThunk
    [30] 7ffc36a22651 RtlUserThreadStart
    Caught at:
    [0] 7ff6bce5a213 Star::captureStack
    [1] 7ff6bce5a7d4 Star::fatalException
    [2] 7ff6bd813a3c `Star::runMainApplication'::`1'::catch$76
    [3] 7ffc2f7e1030
    [4] 7ffc2f7e43a8 is_exception_typeof
    [5] 7ffc36a71426 RtlCaptureContext2
    [6] 7ff6bd56d682 Star::runMainApplication
    [7] 7ff6bcda7731 WinMain
    [8] 7ff6bd7507af __scrt_common_main_seh
    [9] 7ffc35257034 BaseThreadInitThunk
    [10] 7ffc36a22651 RtlUserThreadStart
  13. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

    That is a part of your log. Not the entire log. And not a pastebin link, which I require. Please do not post entire logs into the chat.

    Your listed error is :

    Caused by: (StarException) Asset dependencies form a cycle

    which means its 100% on you for installing mods that require other mods that require other mods, etc. Without the actual full log, in a pastebin link, I can't tell you more.

    However, you can very easily check the incompatible list for yourself. https://frackinuniverse.miraheze.org/wiki/Incompatible
  14. keodeoge

    keodeoge Space Spelunker

    i'm sorry , it's my first time making a post . though i have run though trial and error and found out that it a race mod that already existed inside FrackinUniverse . thank you for your help . though may i ask that how do i post the log file cuz i can't find how to attach the log file .
  15. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

  16. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

  17. Llefarria

    Llefarria Big Damn Hero

    Has anyone else had incubators stop working with the latest update? Curious if it's just me and I need to check for mod conflicts or if they're currently borked.
  18. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

    Already fixed in the last update.
  19. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

  20. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

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