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RELEASED FrackinRaces 5.3

Enables racial abilities for all Vanilla races, and many modded ones too!

  1. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

    Caused by: (StarException) Asset source 'eppfix' is missing dependency 'FrackinUniverse'

    you have an EPP fix mod isntalled, but you dont have FU installed. It requires FU to run :) However, the EPP fix is kinda pointless, especially after the latest armor-rebalance on FU armors (github, steam). But, to each their own. Can't fault you for wanting an easier route to status effect avoidance.
  2. jakeedge04

    jakeedge04 Void-Bound Voyager

    should i remove the epp mod? also are theres two frackinuniverse_master at github are they the same i mean other than the word rc on it?
  3. jakeedge04

    jakeedge04 Void-Bound Voyager

    oops never mind it works now thanks for putting up with me :D toobad about the guy you banned thou also clarification felins get 50% more fall damage???
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2016
  4. Lodish

    Lodish Black Hole Surfer

    I'm prrrrretty sure sayter meant 50% less damage, probably forgot the "less". Otherwise this would be against the laws of video games physics.
  5. jakeedge04

    jakeedge04 Void-Bound Voyager

    ah ok just wondering on how to know if the effects of FR is workin cuz i dont see the benefits of the human i made.
  6. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

    jake, what are your naked humans stats?

    if your health is over 100, its working.
  7. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

    sayter updated FrackinRaces with a new update entry:

    experiment time

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  8. radekplug10

    radekplug10 Void-Bound Voyager

    i got crahes on this when this mod on starbound 1.0.3 gog edtion and olso have frakin univrese as well and the game i both of this crash do need all races ho support this mod.
  9. radekplug10

    radekplug10 Void-Bound Voyager

    i got crahes on this when this mod on starbound 1.0.3 gog edtion and olso have frakin univrese as well and the game i both of this crash do need all races ho support this mod.
  10. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

    if anyone is feeling brave: you could try removing the requirement for FU in the metadata file now, and seeing if it loads and works without FU present. It may just work now.
    jonathonspy likes this.
  11. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

    error log please.
    jonathonspy likes this.
  12. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

  13. Marinebeast

    Marinebeast Existential Complex

    Thank you so much for getting back to me on the compatibility issue! I've since found a fix and pushed it out in my most recent update, so crashes shouldn't happen anymore when people are using Frackin' Races and the Inkling Race Mod together.

    However, it does seem that the two sets of racial abilities do conflict to a degree: my mod has it so Inklings have a breath depletion of 3 while they resist status effects from all other liquids besides water, and this is meant to balance them out a bit + make sense for their lore. Perhaps you could remove the underwater breath depletion reduction on your end, but still keep all of the other things like increased energy regeneration? That way, when they go for a dip in any liquid, which I'm assuming would count for oil or slime, they'll have their energy regeneration buff.
    jonathonspy likes this.
  14. Thundercraft

    Thundercraft Phantasmal Quasar

    What are Perfect Blocks and how can they be used? I looked on the Frackin Universe wiki, but there was nothing about anything called "Perfect", nor was there anything about Perfect Blocks on the Starbounder wiki.
  15. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

    thanks man. I removed the inkling effects earlier today to combat the issue. Since your mod adds racials, I don't see a need to do so for them. Users will already get their racials from your mod :) Once im done the unique effects im working on right now, i'll revisit the inklings :)
  16. Kaitol

    Kaitol Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Basically its like the perfect shot for bows. If you block, you flash white for a split second. If the attack connects then, you deplete no shield stamina or whatever it uses now. Basically, block the instant before an attack hits you. Timed blocks. Those are perfect blocks.
  17. Navotj

    Navotj Aquatic Astronaut

    Ummmm.... i really want to download this but my game wont agree to work with frackin universe, i lost all my saves due to my stupidity so i even tried uninstalling and reinstalling starbound (since i had no saves) and this still doesnt work, please help me
  18. Marinebeast

    Marinebeast Existential Complex

    You're free to incorporate inklings into your work in the same way you're doing so for other races-- just be sure to avoid using any statuseffects titled "inklingrace", since that's the label I'm now using for their racial abilities.

    Sorry if I came off as snappy or uncomfortable previously; I was just a bit startled about getting a lot of reports of errors.Thanks for being patience, prompt, and putting up with the little changes that were needed! ^ u^
    jonathonspy likes this.
  19. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

    Navotj, if you are having issues I suggest just using the Steam Workshop version of the mod. Then you just need to press a single button and be done with it.

    OTherwise, it's quite simple: Don't use this particular version pasted on this site. At all. It is not updated yet because the site is borked for FU and refuses to let me.
    You MUST use Steam or the GitHub version of the mod to play.

    Steam is a simple subscribe button. Easy.

    GitHub requires downloading the file, and extracting it to starbound/mods/FrackinUniverse. The rest of the info you could possibly need is right on the main mod page or in these discussion forums which you can use the search feature to locate things of interest.
  20. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

    not a problem. I want mods to work together, not conflict. Easier for everyone.

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