Force loading of specific areas?

Discussion in 'Starbound FAQs, Q&A, and General Help' started by Sovereignty, Jun 19, 2018.

  1. Sovereignty

    Sovereignty Intergalactic Tourist

    I've been struggling to find a way to make my surface to core elevator be recalled when a player is at one end and no other player is present at the opposite end. The rail-tram I am using simply does not come to the player when the button to call it is pressed unless there is another player nearby it. However even at this point the tram will simply go down the line until which point it will stop and never reach the bottom of my elevator.

    I understand from my googling that it's a "chunk" (Or some variation of that) loading problem. A few different solutions pointed to 'daisy chaining' delay gates or other objects with wires to keep areas for the elevator loaded, but these solutions aren't working for me (and they seem to be from pre-1.3).

    Is there any reliable way to keep an area/object loaded even if a player isn't around?
  2. Jonesy

    Jonesy Sarif's Attack Kangaroo Forum Moderator

    I know this is kind of sidestepping the issue, but perhaps a teleporter might be better suited to your needs? It lacks the same dramatic effect as a long elevator ride, but it'd save you time and hassle.
  3. ProfMoebius

    ProfMoebius Space Penguin Leader

    Try placing multiple stops along the way and then carefully wire it such that will continue on its path reaching each of those 'waypoint' stops until reaches top or bottom point.
  4. Sovereignty

    Sovereignty Intergalactic Tourist

    Yeah, I'd considered this (It was actually suggested in the most prominent google result that was similar to my question), but I'm just more of a fan of the elevator shaft setup and not that big a fan of the teleporter options cosmetically. There's also the issue of having so many different teleporter options in the list making that cumbersome (I already have 1 on this planet, the elevator ones would add 2 additional, which after a while would make the list unwieldy and annoying to go through every time). Do appreciate the suggestion regardless.

    So something like, Planet surface - Stop 1 -> 200 blocks down (or something) - Stop 2 -> 200+ more - Stop 3 -> Etc. -> Planet core - Last Stop?

    Would wiring them together and having multiple stops result in the tram car coming all the way down if called from the surface if I did this? I can experiment later with it, but if this works and you could save me the work I'd be grateful!


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