It's the most! Wonderful time! Of the year! April fools' day is tomorrow! Do you have any fooling or anti-fooling planned? Tell us if you find a real good foolin'! Stay alert, and always remember
My most favorite April Fools joke? "Hey guys! I'm going to be productive and go outside for a change! "
Tumblr has gone with the "which lizard will you vote for?" approach. Interesting. I'm hoping someone makes a conspiricy video linking the candidates with the lizardmen and illuminati. Meanwhile, youtube has begun adding commentary by snoop dog to every video one by one.
Shortly before deployment I dropped a bunch of fanta-cans wrapped in black tape and spent safety pins from hand grenades in front of a horrified group of new recruits and just said "uh-oh" >_>
The Bamboozler isn't restricted to one day of the year. He has the power to bamboozle people whenever he wants.