Flower dance / Wedding dress for Player

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Gemara, May 7, 2018.

  1. Gemara

    Gemara Orbital Explorer

    So, this has been something that's been bugging me for a while now. Whenever theres an event like the flower dance, where all of the other girls are dressed in pretty white dresses for the dance and dancing in time, I feel left out, in my purple and black overalls, weirdly bobbing to the dance.

    If it's possible, could you make the player wear a suit/dress like the npcs on the flower dance and wedding. And maybe make us dance better too? (I just wanna look nice on my wedding day)

    (Picture credit to KittyNinja01)
      XeCoden, StardewSinger and gummywyrms like this.
    • gummywyrms

      gummywyrms Pangalactic Porcupine

      I think the dance animations but be a bit harder to animate for the customizable MC than for the NPCs, but yes! I would love that. Heck, make it the same dress for the wedding and Flower Dance, for all I care.
      • ishizu29

        ishizu29 Subatomic Cosmonaut

        on my first flowerdance i was suprised to say the least that i was the only one not in costume, also why was my dance different? it looked like i was doing squats and the nazi salute alternatively.
        regarding the wedding outfit, they just jumped straight into the cut scene of my first wedding, so i got married wearing my straw hat :nurumad:
        • Astrid Speckles

          Astrid Speckles Subatomic Cosmonaut

          I'd love the option to either wear a dress or a tux!

          Yeah I was really bummed when I was the odd one out.
          I looked up what the flower dance was and realized that there was a chance to not take part I went into try-hard mode to get my hearts up with Sam before the dance,
          I honestly didn't want to feel left out, so when I saw the dance animation I wasn't as glad I would of been, and a long with the farmer's dance movements being off and awkward just made it more "I don't fit in welp"

          I was actually thinking about this the otherday,
          That the first year you'd actually be an awkward dancer and in your farm clothes,
          But as you get along with everyone, the next year if you have enough hearts with either:
          Jodi, Emily, Evelyn
          One of them could make you the outfit for the flower dance? (They'd all look the same though)

          And maybe if your friends with:
          Emily, Alex, Sam
          They could teach you how to dance?
          • Yugare-Chan

            Yugare-Chan Orbital Explorer

            It would be great to have the option to wear a dress or tux and have the flower dance outfits. Before my wedding I was going through the options at Rasmodius' house and still nothing really came up as... wedding like so I just dawned on a tiara and called it fancy.

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