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RELEASED flat UI 1.8

A complete interface overhaul featuring a built-in 28 slot character creation extender!

  1. amirmiked12

    amirmiked12 Parsec Taste Tester

    ok that sounds good
  2. amirmiked12

    amirmiked12 Parsec Taste Tester

    And I found that quest radar covers some part of top right inventory bar
  3. OzonSF

    OzonSF Phantasmal Quasar

    Yeah, I see you're playing on 1366x768, I play on this resolution too and it happens on vanilla as well. But I'll try to edit it and see how it goes.
  4. amirmiked12

    amirmiked12 Parsec Taste Tester

    Yeah that would be awesome .but why u using manipulator module on your right hand.I mean does it do anything?
  5. OzonSF

    OzonSF Phantasmal Quasar

    I have the habit to place random things on the action bar when I'm using a testing character. kek
  6. bk3k

    bk3k Oxygen Tank

    You know... I'm going to have to apologize here. I saw this mod existed and instantly thought "that's not gonna work right with my inventory mod." It didn't occur to me for a second that you might already be supporting it through test conditions. I do things like that, but I haven't seen too many others doing so. I should have checked... LOL

    The last upload I just did, I changed the path to the images to
    thinking I would be making it easier to reskin my inventory. And it would be... if not for you having it done already. After posting my update I looked at the mod, seen mine was supported, and instantly thought "NO!!! I broke it!" Now looking at your patches, I probably only partially-broke it(with some buttons elements being replaced, some not). Sorry about that. By trying to do something good(without checking first), I've instead become a PITA.

    I haven't uploaded the update to the workshop, guess I'll hold off on that til you've had a second to fix my "fix".

    edit: I changed the update description to tell people not to install it quite yet if they use this mod too.
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2017
  7. OzonSF

    OzonSF Phantasmal Quasar

    Don't worry about that, it really made it easier to reskin your inventory, no need to mess with patch files anymore. I'll upload the update right now, I did not remove the old patch to make sure it won't break the inventory for the people in the Workshop while you do not update your mod there.
  8. OzonSF

    OzonSF Phantasmal Quasar

  9. amirmiked12

    amirmiked12 Parsec Taste Tester

    i just found that this mod is not compatible with gardenbot .
    tabs will go to the middle of Agriculture interface
  10. OzonSF

    OzonSF Phantasmal Quasar

    Do you have any mods that changes the agricultural station? Because it is normal here.
  11. amirmiked12

    amirmiked12 Parsec Taste Tester

    no, i don't think so
    but ima do some testing stuff to find out
  12. amirmiked12

    amirmiked12 Parsec Taste Tester

    it not compatible with extende gui mod
    this was the issue
  13. ChronoHyperion

    ChronoHyperion Big Damn Hero

    If you gonna make your own extended GUI, can you make it separate instead (if you want to). And try to make the flat UI mod compatible with the Extended GUI mod if possible.
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2017
  14. OzonSF

    OzonSF Phantasmal Quasar

  15. OzonSF

    OzonSF Phantasmal Quasar

  16. OzonSF

    OzonSF Phantasmal Quasar

  17. amirmiked12

    amirmiked12 Parsec Taste Tester

    Can u make the interface longer? To see more items at once.!?
  18. OzonSF

    OzonSF Phantasmal Quasar

  19. OzonSF

    OzonSF Phantasmal Quasar

    I will do that eventually.
  20. amirmiked12

    amirmiked12 Parsec Taste Tester

    a request for
    Revised Mining Tools.
    it adds new tab to anvil

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