I am trying to make a custom weather for my planet but it keeps crashing the game, and this is all I get in the log; Code: [Error] Application: exception thrown, shutting down: (JsonException) Cannot call get with index on Json type string, must be Array type Here is the weather code. Code: { "name" : "cosmicstorm", "particles" : [ { "density" : 0.05, "autoRotate" : true, "particle" : { "type" : "textured", "image" : "/particles/cosmiccloud/1.png", "velocity" : [0, -5], "approach" : [5, 5], "angularVelocity" : 0, "timeToLive" : 20, "collidesForeground" : true, "collidesLiquid" : true, "ignoreWind" : false } }, { "density" : 0.15, "particle" : { "type" : "ember", "color" : [250, 255, 0], "size" : 1.0, "velocity" : [0, -12], "timeToLive" : 20, "collidesForeground" : true, "collidesLiquid" : true, "ignoreWind" : false } }, { "density" : 0.15, "particle" : { "type" : "ember", "color" : [160, 255, 0], "size" : 1.0, "velocity" : [0, -11], "timeToLive" : 20, "collidesForeground" : true, "collidesLiquid" : true, "ignoreWind" : false } }, { "density" : 0.15, "particle" : { "type" : "ember", "color" : [60, 255, 0], "size" : 1.0, "velocity" : [0, -14], "timeToLive" : 20, "collidesForeground" : true, "collidesLiquid" : true, "ignoreWind" : false } } ], "duration" : [50, 400], "maximumWind" : 42.0, "weatherNoises" : [ "/sfx/weather/cosmic.ogg" ] }
Please post the whole log. We might recognize something you didn't think was significant. That weather file seems to look correct. The problem could be in your .biome file or /weather.config.patch too.
Code: [16:10:12.165] [Error] Application: exception thrown, shutting down: (JsonException) Cannot call get with index on Json type string, must be Array type [0] 7ff66bec7153 Star::captureStack [1] 7ff66bec5ede Star::StarException::StarException [2] 7ff66be5dc4a Star::JsonException::format<Star::String> [3] 7ff66be691fa Star::Json::ptr [4] 7ff66be65e60 Star::Json::get [5] 7ff66be6668f Star::Json::getFloat [6] 7ff66be7359c Star::binnedChoiceFromJson [7] 7ff66bf4edd9 Star::BiomeDatabase::biomeWeathers [8] 7ff66c4509f4 Star::generateTerrestrialWorldParameters [9] 7ff66bf867fe Star::CelestialParameters::CelestialParameters [10] 7ff66bf7c8ce Star::CelestialMasterDatabase::produceSystem [11] 7ff66bf7b0f6 Star::CelestialMasterDatabase::produceChunk [12] 7ff66bf6da58 <lambda_5d19a1acb183cfb675f6c83fec5499ae>::operator() [13] 7ff66bf6dc97 <lambda_6ec730026778190d376fe9965f60dafe>::operator() [14] 7ff66bf657e3 Star::LruCacheBase<Star::OrderedMapWrapper<Star::FlatHashMap,Star::Vector<int,2>,std::pair<__int64,Star::CelestialChunk>,Star::BlockAllocator<std::pair<Star::Vector<int,2> const ,std::pair<__int64,Star::CelestialChunk> >,1024>,Star::hash<Star::Vector<int,2>,void>,std::equal_to<Star::Vector<int,2> > > >::get<<lambda_6ec730026778190d376fe9965f60dafe> > [15] 7ff66bf7f94e Star::CelestialMasterDatabase::scanSystems [16] 7ff66bf77399 Star::CelestialMasterDatabase::findRandomWorld [17] 7ff66c735194 Star::TitleScreen::TitleScreen [18] 7ff66bdfa101 std::_Ref_count_obj<Star::TitleScreen>::_Ref_count_obj<Star::TitleScreen><std::shared_ptr<Star::PlayerStorage> & __ptr64,std::shared_ptr<Star::Mixer> > [19] 7ff66bdff070 std::make_shared<Star::TitleScreen,std::shared_ptr<Star::PlayerStorage> & __ptr64,std::shared_ptr<Star::Mixer> > [20] 7ff66be064ea Star::ClientApplication::changeState [21] 7ff66be0ce34 Star::ClientApplication::update [22] 7ff66c60aa72 Star::SdlPlatform::run [23] 7ff66c60ac2d Star::runMainApplication [24] 7ff66be0ff76 WinMain [25] 7ff66c7f8daf __scrt_common_main_seh [26] 7ffaef6f3034 BaseThreadInitThunk [27] 7ffaf0591461 RtlUserThreadStart [16:10:12.165] [Info] Application: shutdown... [16:10:12.368] [Info] Root: Shutting down Root [16:10:12.696] [Error] OpenGL errors during shutdown: GL_INVALID_VALUE [16:10:12.696] [Info] Application: Destroying SDL Window [16:10:12.718] [Info] Application: stopped gracefully
[Fixed] I figured it out, apparently, you can't make any other folders under the weather folder to add in a new weather.