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Fix For Those Who Lose Their Progress

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by SneakyGhost, Sep 4, 2016.

  1. SneakyGhost

    SneakyGhost Space Hobo

    I registered on this forum only to tell you guys that there is a way to actually make a backup of your saves (Not Bak1,2,3). You have to use some CMD commands to actually get it to work, it's pretty easy so just follow up and you'll be done!

    Making Backup:
    1. First, you need to make a new text file and name it whatever you want then open it.
    2. In the text file you need to paste this (Replace the path with your game's path)
    ROBOCOPY F:\Games\Starbound\storage\player\ F:\Games\Starbound\storage\player\Backup\ *.*
    3. Then you need to rename the ".txt" file to ".bat" file. You can rename it however you like but it must have the extension .bat in the end.

    Now, if you run this, it will make a backup folder in the saves folder which will backup both your player and shipworld files.

    Restoring Backup:

    If you've lost your progress, all you have to do is go to "[GAME DIR]>storage>player>backup" and copy all the files from backup folder to the "player" folder replacing all previous files.

    Hope this helps you! If you have any questions, feel free to ask :)

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