Modding Help fix an old custom booster to current game version.

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by Velornar, Aug 6, 2016.

  1. Velornar

    Velornar Pangalactic Porcupine

    I already posted this, and get no answer (and since I dont now If I'm allowed to make double posts), thats my last chance, otherwise I give up, and let all what i have done as "abandonware". I just want to make viable the old boosters from the dreadnough cruiser.
    I'm not good with the code, even if it would sound extremly easy to some people.
    I have tried to understanded how the frame files are working, how frames are defined on png pictures used as art, how the game use those files to know wich way they are displayed but without success.
    I cant make testing to try to fix it ingame, because the game wont launch with my almost finished file until I fix this booster.
    I really need some help, otherwise I wont be able to ever update my uscm frigate mod, that need thoses boosters working with jump animation to finish its 1.0 version; I thinks I went too far, and now i'm trapped since there is not way each properties on files belong on wich item type etc, except by guess and examinations of copy.
    so here are the files, if anyone can see whats not working, or what a custom booster need to be recognized as a valid object patch/files by the game.
    by advance thanks if you have some time, otherwise, I will leave here after a few days in this thread all the ressources, art, etc I failed to turn as functionnal mod, so they wont be eventually lost.

    edit: I apparently fixed the problem with lots of copy paste an camparisons with the files, the game accept to load it without causing errors mentionning the booster in the logs (still not a proof everything wont crash, or if the old values are still correct once reached the main menu), but not my intent to make a block naturally invisible, its never cease to tell me there is an error in the file, but I dont know where, because I dont see it where its supposed to be, at line 9.
    Here is a copy of the script, if anyone have better eyes than me and take a look,to see if anything is correct in the new tile bloc, it would help me greatly.


    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Aug 6, 2016

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