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Bug/Issue Fishing Minigame Reoccurring Bug Known Since 2016

Discussion in 'Support' started by qwaszxcvbnm7, May 9, 2018.

  1. qwaszxcvbnm7

    qwaszxcvbnm7 Intergalactic Tourist

    Game Version 1.3.9(beta)
    Game Froze while entering the Fishing Minigame for the StardewValley Fair in Fall. The instant i entered i couldnt move, so i tried to fish, then it froze with the charge bar above my head. I have found similar issues back in 2016.. why is this still a problem, I will never enter the Fishing Minigame ever again even if they claim it gets fixed. Noone wants to do the entire Daily routine again, im just glad i hadnt farmed any Stars. (i also had 2 in game mouse cursors for whatever reason when the game froze, besides this being a glitch for many years, this will probably occur in Co-Op too, and im not wanting that, so im going to just avoid this minigame)[​IMG]
    • Zaflis

      Zaflis Pangalactic Porcupine

      To be fair this never froze to me before beta. But for now do avoid the minigame. Only fix is closing the game window or Alt+F4.

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