Fishing bubble (aka "splash point") predictor

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by rvcx, Apr 7, 2023.

  1. rvcx

    rvcx Space Hobo

    I just created a tiny web app to show where and when "splash points"—the little bubbles that quadruple the fish bite speed—will appear.

    It currently offers this only for the beach and mountain locations. I don't have good tooling for extracting tile information from the location data files, so identifying the valid bubble candidate positions is currently a little cumbersome. (Help from anyone who can easily identify all tile coordinates with the water property set much appreciated.)

    This predictor appears to be more accurate than the one included in the "Map Predictor" Windows app by BlaDe. But I can't 100% vouch for the list of valid candidate positions (I'm ignoring a few things from the tile data), so it still may not entirely agree with the game's logic.

    Feedback appreciated.
      Last edited: Apr 7, 2023
    • rvcx

      rvcx Space Hobo

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