Fish Hatchery/Pond

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Kinii, May 14, 2019.

  1. Kinii

    Kinii Orbital Explorer

    I think an item/structure to duplicate fish would be cool. The value or difficulty of the fish could determine how long it takes to complete a cycle and all fish obtained from the object would be of base quality. Legendary fish should obviously be excluded. This way you could duplicate out of season fish I know you love calamari Pierre but it’s Spring and squid are only available in Winter.

    It could be a craftable like the crystalarium (make it available only after obtaining a high fishing skill or after catching every fish) or a physical structure Robin can build for you.

    What do you all think?
      Gandalor 75 and WilliamZ like this.
    • Zosa

      Zosa Cosmic Narwhal

      i thought someone was working on this mod?
      • Zaylien

        Zaylien Space Spelunker

        It would be nice to have a fish tank or pond... something to keep the legendary fish you caught in instead of a chest.
        • Kinii

          Kinii Orbital Explorer

          You don’t have to stick them in a chest. You can plop them down on any table to display them. There are a couple tables that look damn decent as display tables.
          • Kurachi84

            Kurachi84 Cosmic Narwhal

            legendary fish on a table seems so weird, but i'd love your suggestion
            legendary fish in a tank would be nice, too, except you cannot duplicate them
            • WhitneyFox

              WhitneyFox Void-Bound Voyager

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