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Outdated Fight For Universe: Per Aspera Ad Astra 0.055

Modular Starship Construction System & More Planned

  1. Well, my mod is only mod, which allows actually create custom ship that looks like a ship and not flying island of tiles...

    I can tell you two reasons why it lags:
    1) Because spaceship is actually built from too many objects - I'm working on improving this.
    2) Because your PC is very average - this part you can only fix by yourself.
  2. FiesesAlien

    FiesesAlien Subatomic Cosmonaut


    Want to use this mod together with a other ship-customization-mod. Is this possible? Thx for the answer.

    Stay crunchy.
  3. Possible, but you will have to decide which ship .structure file to use.
  4. FiesesAlien

    FiesesAlien Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Ah, thx for your answer. I have another Question, maybe it is previously answered but iam honest: i dont want to search atm (extreme tired because cant sleep...):
    When iam on the Ship it is really laggy (Items: 1 Bed, 3 Chests, Industrialcraft Macerator, Extractor and electric furnace, then i have the workbench, upgraded anvil and the spinning-wheel). I didnt upgrade the ship with other sections then the main section your mod provide(d).

    Mods i have active:
    - bahHumbug
    - Character Creation Mod (+ Elves)
    - Predator-Race (+ Ship)
    - Your Mod
    - Industrial Craft
    - hunting +
    - HoleDrill
    - Lightdrones
    - TieredBeds
    - Mining-Update (Pickaxes)
    - ChestPlusMod

    System i am running:
    - Win 7 64bit
    - AMD Phenom II X4 840 Processor (3,20 GHZ)
    - 6GB DDR3 Ram
    - ATI Radeon HD 5700

    Current CPU-Thingie: ~60% (OBS & Game running and a few other things)
    Current Ram-Thingie: ~75%

    Hope you have a idea why that is so.

    Stay crunchy.
  5. It's because ship is built from very small objects. Currently I'm working on changing multiple objects in to one and also changing some objects in to tiles, thus reducing load. But it will take some time, before next version will be released.
  6. FiesesAlien

    FiesesAlien Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Thanks again for the answer! Looking forward to full release of this mod (& Game of course ^^)

    Stay crunchy.
  7. netherangel

    netherangel Void-Bound Voyager

    mabe i just fail but one race i cant seem to get this to work for is the varan any idea whyÉ
  8. Maybe other mods overwrite my mod files?
  9. netherangel

    netherangel Void-Bound Voyager

    well i think its that race that is not working i removed all my mods did a clean install and tested each race with yours, i still cannot get the elf, argonian, or vulps race to work with it but cephlapod did, so its the varan race that gives a bit of trouble, any reasion why elf and allthat wouldnt work you think? this is a clean install with the config in your mod edited.
  10. netherangel

    netherangel Void-Bound Voyager

    i fixed it mostly but still not working for some races? also any way i can edit the mod to not have the advanced matter or mineing tools?
  11. TheSAguy

    TheSAguy Orbital Explorer

    So I'm new to Starbound and even newer to this mod.
    I was wondering, should the Advanced Matter Manipulator be available from the start?? Seems very overpowered and there is no reason to use anything but it. Should this not be available after picks and drills?

  12. kirobii

    kirobii Void-Bound Voyager

    im trying to use custom races but it doesnt work
  13. There is explanation how to make it compatible with custom races at the resource main page.
  14. netherangel

    netherangel Void-Bound Voyager

    this mod seems ot have trouble with races who already have custom ships im useing many race mods and oly about half of them work with this mod, either im setting up the script wrong or i donno, i have a document if tested races that seem to work with it for me or not if you like it. perhaps im doing something amiss?
      "__merge" : [],
      "speciesShips" : {
        "apex" : "/ships/default/default_ship.structure",
        "avian" : "/ships/default/default_ship.structure",
        "floran" : "/ships/default/default_ship.structure",
        "human" : "/ships/default/default_ship.structure",
        "hylotl" : "/ships/default/default_ship.structure",
        "glitch" : "/ships/default/default_ship.structure",
        "cephalopod" : "/ships/default/default_ship.structure",
        "kobold" : "/ships/default/default_ship.structure",
        "mephetor" : "/ships/default/default_ship.structure",
        "jumi" : "/ships/default/default_ship.structure",
        "kemono" : "/ships/default/default_ship.structure",
        "wabbel" : "/ships/default/default_ship.structure",
        "halfwarp" : "/ships/default/default_ship.structure",
        "pure" : "/ships/default/default_ship.structure",
        "ningen" : "/ships/default/default_ship.structure",
        "mantizi" : "/ships/default/default_ship.structure",
        "elf" : "/ships/default/default_ship.structure",
        "argonian" : "/ships/default/default_ship.structure",
        "amfin" : "/ships/default/default_ship.structure",
        "kitsune" : "/ships/default/default_ship.structure",
        "sergal" : "/ships/default/default_ship.structure",
        "kangaru" : "/ships/default/default_ship.structure",
        "bunnykin" : "/ships/default/default_ship.structure",
        "kokido" : "/ships/default/default_ship.structure",
        "ethereal" : "/ships/default/default_ship.structure",
        "reptan" : "/ships/default/default_ship.structure",
        "avali" : "/ships/default/default_ship.structure",
        "insectlid" : "/ships/default/default_ship.structure",
        "Kaenid" : "/ships/default/default_ship.structure",
        "Vulpes" : "/ships/default/default_ship.structure"

    Works woth FFU
    all default races.
    not working with FFU for me
    half warps
    nova kid
    VIcariousViking likes this.
  15. VIcariousViking

    VIcariousViking Void-Bound Voyager

    I'm trying to get this to work for my Kangaru Race...I deleted the .shipworld file, but when I launch the game he just starts in an empty avian ship. I know the mod is installed because it shows up on the title screen and the font is changed now. (nice new font by the way)
  16. netherangel

    netherangel Void-Bound Voyager

    someone told me how to fix this and i got it. change the one file in kangru where the directory for the kanga ship is the one for ffu sorry if my explanation is bad i have not yet consumed copuous amounts of coffee.
  17. CaptainKobold

    CaptainKobold Pangalactic Porcupine

    Could the custom race ship setup be included as a __merge? Depending upon when the game asks for it, you could even throw a couple of custom races in from the start. Alternately, race modders could include a //ed line in their ship file, and/or include an alternate.

    I do so love inter-mod compatibility.
  18. VIcariousViking

    VIcariousViking Void-Bound Voyager

    Warstalker, Can I ask how far off you are from an update, approximately?
  19. Admiral Obvious

    Admiral Obvious Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Well done, you got a bit of a spotlight on Rock, Paper, Shotgun. I just might have to try this out.
  20. SirFluffinson

    SirFluffinson Space Hobo

    Where do i download the mod?

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