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RELEASED [FFS]Feast of Fire and Smoke 2.0hotfix6

Last generation of gunshop/gunners mod

  1. Joseph K

    Joseph K Giant Laser Beams

    Also, The Ruin Larva strikes me as a trial and error boss. You do not put a trial and error boss in an incredibly long dungeon with no checkpoints.
  2. leyhan

    leyhan Cosmic Narwhal

    It'll not be changed.
    Every hidden dungeons are rogue-like.
    No checkpoint
    No tips.
    Not easy.

    I'll not say about this anymore.
  3. Joseph K

    Joseph K Giant Laser Beams

    BUT IT'S TRIAL AND ERROR BASED AND YOU HAVE TO SPAM HEALING ITEMS TO STAY !@#% ALIVE! No checkpoint no tips not easy would be fine, but the enemy count is ridiculous. Just answer me this; what kind of fun mission has you constantly spamming healing items to stay alive? There's literally no skill and just alternating between spamming healing items and shooting enemies. The only way to get prepared enough is to get equipment that is not intended for the mission. Also, I think the hidden dungeons should be part of the main questline, and you have to complete them all to access the final boss. Also, I think this theme might fit it more if you're interested. Tentacle Exploration is fine, but I think this really sells the mood.
  4. Catherine Franz

    Catherine Franz Spaceman Spiff

    You can avoid taking damage on the all-black attack by going to the far right side...
  5. Joseph K

    Joseph K Giant Laser Beams

    Sigh... who cares about the boss? It's the freaking impossible dungeon. There are hundreds of enemies in each room, and you have weapons that can only hit 1 target at a time. WHY WON'T THEY LISTEN?! HOW CAN I SHOW THEM THAT ENEMY SPAM IS NOT THE WAY?!
  6. JT`

    JT` Phantasmal Quasar

    @Joseph K: I said before on the Steam comment thread that the mod's balance would be significantly improved for the better if the number of enemies was halved pretty much everywhere, especially in every single ambush room, and their projectile speeds were doubled (at least) or otherwise increased closer to those of the player, which would also mean that the the "Extremely Cautious" effect would need to be removed except for those situations where the player is in dark rooms or corridors, and removed immediately when the lights go on or enemies show up unless those enemies are slow crawlers and there is no reason to move forward.

    The current balance is that of damage soak and potion spam, which is a generally bad design; there's a profound difference in fun when a product is finely tuned for tactical difficulty rather than simply throwing stuff at you and hoping you can button-mash long enough to survive. (Diablo 2, for instance: if you ever get into a fight where you have to spam potions on your hotbar just to survive, you're fighting overleveled enemies and should back off and find a different quest. You'll have more fun.) Pacing is a critical element of game design, and while leyhan seems to have it in spades in the level design, s/he's missing it in actual combat.

    Fortunately, the mod can still be used for its guns in regular gameplay, and Raza/Lyetzi/leyhan is pretty permissive with submods and patches; I've been working on rolling the gun spawns into the normal treasurepools, and have been trying to tweak some of the more annoying features myself.... Unfortunately, I haven't figured out how to reduce the spawn counts in the Tiled maps: I just can't seem to get anything I make/edit in the Tiled editor actually work in game (even following the wiki tutorial).

    (The more I read about Chucklefish's politics, the more I feel like this is similar... it seems like I need to make a full demonstration before I can be taken seriously. Almost there, in any case. ;-))
  7. leyhan

    leyhan Cosmic Narwhal

    I made this mod for atleast 2~4 party co-op. or hardcore for solo player.
    And large-scale battle is my favorite.
    So, this difficulty& level design will not be changed. And next episode will be more harder than now.

    If you don't like challenging over the death, there is nothing i can do for you.
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2019
  8. leyhan

    leyhan Cosmic Narwhal

    There is no 'right answer' for level design & difficulty.
    And, there is not enough extra time and money to me for dividing difficulty.

    So, This is the result.

    You can be certain I'll never change it again.
  9. Catherine Franz

    Catherine Franz Spaceman Spiff

    I guess I'm that hardcore if I can solo it and looking forward to that "more difficult" > w>

    HEIL LORD RAVY (We'll catch you with Chris handsome by our side)
  10. Joseph K

    Joseph K Giant Laser Beams

    I wanted to say something like that but I couldn't find the words or how to explain it. So thanks. This sums it up perfectly.
  11. Joseph K

    Joseph K Giant Laser Beams

    I think I have an idea for something that could help; make possible to recruit soldiers to accompany you to fill in for other players if you aren't doing multiplayer. Also, here's another idea that I just wanted to get out; maybe there could be four Hell Gate dungeons and you have to clear each of them to access the final dungeon.
  12. Joseph K

    Joseph K Giant Laser Beams

    Oh, and one more thing; I think The Ruin Larva's eye attack is a bit sloppy. Maybe you could make it so that it slowly turns towards you, and projects a beam of light that represents its line of vision. You take damage while in this beam of light.
  13. JT`

    JT` Phantasmal Quasar

    This may be the most hilarious thing I've read all day, so kudos to you, sir.
  14. Joseph K

    Joseph K Giant Laser Beams

    I just thought of a fun pickup line for the Hell Gate dungeon; "what do you call an extremely long dungeon that's lucratively hard and has no checkpoints? Answer: Starbounder Hell."
  15. Joseph K

    Joseph K Giant Laser Beams

    I was wondering; is there any lore aspect to the mod? I'm particularly curious about Hell Gate; why is it there? Is it a literal link between the universe and Hell? Did The Ruin come from it? And if so, is The Ruin a demon along with all of the other eye monsters?
  16. JT`

    JT` Phantasmal Quasar

    [Link removed, apparently no permission. Go figure. =)]

    Based on version 1.02, possibly/probably not compatible with 1.03:
    * Faster projectiles across the board, based on Elithian Races' Rimdweller pistols as a baseline (160 tiles/sec, with AP projectiles a little faster, buckshot a little slower). Adds: *.projectile.patch for many FFS projectiles, including trigger projectiles which are the ones the base mod actually uses to fire most projectiles (rather than modifying the weapon's configuration and script -- I dunno).
    * Physics added to most projectiles to allow slight bullet drop. Adds: physics.config.patch, and *.projectile.patch for many projectiles.
    * SMGs, assault rifles, and one MG (didn't get around to the other) have realistic ball to tracer ratios, and look less like The Transporter on a bender.
    ** SMG, assault rifle: 2 ball to 1 tracer; MG: 4 ball to 1 tracer.
    ** Adds/modifies:
    *** ffs_weapons/ffs_lua_basic/ffs_fire*.lua to include a new variable, self.tracerCount, and to choose a sequential projectile from the projectiles list instead of a random one.
    *** *.projectile to add a few new "invisible" projectiles (technically visible but very unusual to see at all except against a high-contrast flat background -- just like real bullets).
    *** *.activeitem.patch to change projectile types for most guns to a list of ball-to-tracer projectiles.
    * Added replacement STANAG magazine icon and description for fixed-magazine status effect; more immersive than self-referential "FFS" icon, with improved concise description.
    * Pirate projectiles now as fast as the player's (more "hardcore", as the dev would put it). No changes to other enemies' weapons (not even the airship).

    The majority of this was completed several days ago, but since I no longer have any interest, I'm just dumping it into the public domain. Cheers. =)

    Licence: CC0 (exceptions: tracer graphic directly from the original mod, cannot be redistributed except under interoperability exception; ffs_fire*.lua derivative works of Chucklefish and redistributable only in CF/Starbound products)
    [edit]Hotfixed with a freshly RARed archive -- had uploaded an older copy. Oops!
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2019
  17. leyhan

    leyhan Cosmic Narwhal

    Yes, Yes, Anyway, There is nothing i can do for you.
  18. leyhan

    leyhan Cosmic Narwhal

    So, where is my permission?
  19. leyhan

    leyhan Cosmic Narwhal

    I've worked thousands of bloody hours without a cent of compensation.
    And there were people who supplemented it with feedbacks.
    But I've never seen anyone like this.
    HA HA, What a damn shame folks.
    One ill word asks another, Right?

    Well, I will never get feedback here again. Cheers.
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2019
  20. Joseph K

    Joseph K Giant Laser Beams

    Dang; there goes my chance at suggesting a flame thrower.

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