RELEASED Female Lowcut Shirts & Mini Skirt

Discussion in 'Player' started by RuneNL, Mar 17, 2016.

  1. RuneNL

    RuneNL Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Hi Guys,

    Due to the many request for small changes I've decided to make 8 versions and stick to those.
    The amount of time to adjust, save and pack every different version can become quite confusing and time consuming. There are slight outdated variations littered throughout the topic, so help yourself.

    New versions:

    The file names are named after the pictures, so the one with the alternative face, pleated skirt and socks is called:

    The modified version of Alex_01 Short Skirt with the lowcut tops remains unchanged.

    Lowcut and alternative tops have now been added to the shirt list, so they replace no original ones.

    Here is a quick miss-match display of all the shirts: (Filename

    *NEW* Added three more tops.

    Old pictures and topic here:

    Here is an Alpen dress top I made with 'cleavage'.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    For this to work I had to adjust the farmer_base_girl file to add the cleavage and create consistent short sleeves. It seemed that in the vanilla version the length of the sleeves would vary, not anymore.

    The bottom half is a creation from Alex_01 and his topic can be found here: Link

    Adjusted farmer_base_girl.xnb file
    - added upper body detail for lower tops
    - consistent short sleeves (on all shirts)
    - Alex_01 Short Skirt

    Adjusted shirt.xnb
    - one shirt adjusted to have a low cut and puffy sleeves, colour green.
    edit: added more tops (shirt.xnb updated)

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    ** Updated farmer_girl_base according to Alex_01 v5 skirt update **
    Pink version of the green dress, updated "shirts"

    Added miniskirt version, with and without socks, this version also has the new bikini I made. No more using Grandpa's bikini.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    All versions have this bikini:
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Nexus page can be found here: Mini Skirt and Low Cut Tops

    Place the content of the zip file in Stardew Valley\Content\Characters\Farmer folder.
    Make sure to back-up your old farmer_base.xnb before replacing it.


    Version history:
    21/03/2016 - Adjusted horse ride animations with a few tweaks to others.
    Updated files: Mini_Skirt-Socks-Bikini-Low_Top_Body &
    23/03/2016 - Adjusted the lines in the fishing animation.
    Updated files: Mini_Skirt-Socks-Bikini-Low_Top_Body &
    25/03/2016 - Removed blush from farmer_girl_base and added it as an accessories. It replaces the duckface. Unfortunately I have not been able to add blush to the list because it doesn't seem to load so I had to replace it.
    Updated files: Mini_Skirt-Socks-Bikini-Low_Top_Body & & added
    -- > Earlier today I accidentally uploaded the no-sock under the sock version. This has been fixed as of now. My apologies.
    26/03/2016 - Due to the many request for small changes and the time it takes I've decided to give the whole topic an overhaul and leave it at 8 different versions. They all come with the new bikini.
    *NEW* 29/03/2016 - Tweaked animation and fixed the missing arms on bikini. Also added 3 new shirts. All files except blush and Alex_Skirt have been updated.
    I've uploaded the mod to Stardew Nexusmods.

      Attached Files:

      Last edited: Mar 31, 2016
    • Venoshock

      Venoshock Scruffy Nerf-Herder

      question will this also change my male character cloths?
      awesome mod btw! about time i could tell my farmer is a girl other than the hair.:up:
      • RuneNL

        RuneNL Subatomic Cosmonaut

        Thank you!

        It will change a few of your male clothes since they are shared between sexes. However your male will not have the cleavage line but will have the roundness.
        Some shirts insinuate a female chest and others a male in the vanilla anyway.
          Venoshock likes this.
        • swpau

          swpau Ketchup Robot

          can u make a low cut and puffy sleeves, colour pink and yellow?
          • Meevers

            Meevers Scruffy Nerf-Herder

            Do these replace shirts or add them? If they replace them, which shirts do they replace?
            • RuneNL

              RuneNL Subatomic Cosmonaut

              I have tried, as far as I could see it's not possible at this stage without adding it to the arm, resulting in all shirts having it.
              Sleeves pink and shirt yellow?

              The shirts will be replaced, I currently do not know how to add them to the list.

                Last edited: Mar 17, 2016
              • Meevers

                Meevers Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                That's cool, thank you! It's just helpful to at least know what it replaces just in case it replaces a base shirt that someone already likes y'know? Nice work though~
                  RuneNL likes this.
                • asdasdgfrw

                  asdasdgfrw Title Not Found

                  I think this should've been posted in Player subforum?
                  • RuneNL

                    RuneNL Subatomic Cosmonaut

                    Yea it is and it should be placed in Player. Accidentally posted it in the wrong location.

                    Reported the topic for moving.
                      Last edited: Mar 17, 2016
                      juhee likes this.
                    • GosuGian

                      GosuGian Twenty-three is number one

                      Looks good!
                      • swpau

                        swpau Ketchup Robot

                        • Drogean

                          Drogean Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                            Gabaw likes this.
                          • rookiezs

                            rookiezs Void-Bound Voyager

                            I want this your hair please so beautiful. :lickitung:<3
                            • RuneNL

                              RuneNL Subatomic Cosmonaut

                              Here you go, download and install attachment.

                              It replaces one hairstyle and if you have other custom hair running it will be replaced.
                              Be sure to backup your old hairstyles.xnb.

                                Attached Files:

                                MetaSieg likes this.
                              • swpau

                                swpau Ketchup Robot

                                ** Updated farmer_girl_base according to Alex_01 v5 skirt update **
                                Pink version of the green dress, updated "shirts"

                                What is the original shirt no. was renewed by this shirt?
                                • rookiezs

                                  rookiezs Void-Bound Voyager

                                  thank for hair is so beautiful and your so kind :nuruflirt:
                                    RuneNL likes this.
                                  • RuneNL

                                    RuneNL Subatomic Cosmonaut

                                    Number 85 I think, it comes right after the green dress.

                                    You are most welcome :)
                                    • RuneNL

                                      RuneNL Subatomic Cosmonaut

                                      Updated and added miniskirt with socks and more modern bikini.

                                      Updated to remove a little error in the graphics
                                        Last edited: Mar 19, 2016
                                      • Vixxi

                                        Vixxi Aquatic Astronaut

                                        Love it! I'm not too big on super sexualizing everything, like the super cleavage mod for portraits (not that I mind, just not for me), but I'm just fine having it mildly simulated from far away. I like the feminine look so this is great for people who feel the same, and/or don't just want the cleavage portrait mod to be sudden boobs, while the farmer is all modest LOL.

                                        Anyway, great work!!

                                        Edit: Bikini download gives me an error. Perhaps it's just me, or maybe it got deleted.
                                        • RuneNL

                                          RuneNL Subatomic Cosmonaut

                                          I agree, that's why I did this. Just wanted my character to look more cute.
                                          The file downloads for me and opens normally. Sure you picked it from the uploads (3rd one)? Did it give an error opening or downloading it?
                                          Anyway, that version has a shorter skirt and a more normal bikini. Skirt is like on my avatar.

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