Name: As of yet, I have not thought of a proper name, feel free to leave suggestions Most races will refer to them as "cats" Their culture is loosely based off of the Iroquois (clothing, housing), but with swords. I. Technological Advancement: A. How advanced is your Race? : As a fairly happy-go-lucky race, and very curious (not always for the best), they are not too technologically advanced in the weaponry department. Most of their technology is for hunting, traveling, or recreation. They prefer to use their claws, fast slashing blades, and curved swords if forced into combat. They prefer mobility to protection, so their armor is light and allows them to move quickly, but protects them less than more traditional armors. Additional weapons include spears and throwing spears. (link)(link)(link) 1. Armor will typically cover the chest, groin, and legs. It typically does not cover the arms, stomach, hands, or feet. This race prefers to avoid damage rather than protect against it. 2. This race typically wears little clothing due to their friendly nature and thick fur. 3. They like to wear Feathers or Flowers in their hair. 4. While this race is generally friendly, they will defend themselves with the savagery of a Floran if cornered. B. Do they have any special technology? : They have claw like weapons/tools that may assist in climbing soft vertical surfaces, such as dirt. Higher tiers will allow to climb on stone, and eventually metal. They preferring stealth to fighting, they have developed a cloak that allows temporary invisibility. This is a high tier technology. Invisibility is broken upon loss of energy or attacking. Armors will allow you to roll to dodge incoming attacks, consuming energy instead of health per hit, at lower levels it will not be able to absorb more than a handful of hits before your energy is depleted. Medium tier armor will have faster rolls and high tier armor causes a sort of cartwheel with almost no loss energy per hit. If all energy is lost, the roll with be interrupted and you will be hit with additional damage. 1. Armors will also increase speed and jump height. The armors of this race are fairly weak compared to other races, so at planets with a high danger, failing to dodge may result in instant death due to the lack of protection. 2. Claws strike much faster than most weapons, but they have little reach. II. Hostility: A. How friendly are they to outsiders/invaders? : This race will typically hide from outsiders until a scout has determined that the visitors are not hostile. If they are determined as non-hostile, they will be greeted warmly. If they are hostile, they will wither be ignored or ambushed. B. Do they attack when provoked? : This race will accept visitors so long as they do not act aggressively. C. Are they untrustworthy? : This race has a (somewhat deserved) reputation for being thieves, due to their sneakiness and roguish nature (see the second google definition.) They also have a fondness of shiny objects. D. Do they try to use the player for their own personal gain? : No, they will not typically use outsiders for nefarious purposes or betray them. E. Most races will not think that this race is dangerous, as they are shorter and less intimidating than many of the other races. a. Apex: Due to the Apex's totalitarian nature, they do not like the government and will willingly hide dissenters. b. Avian: The Avian do not agree with the use of Catnip, so this race is typically harassed by avian guards. Much like the Apex, this race will take in Avian outcasts. c. Floran: Since this race's meat is tasteless and bland, they have few problems with the Floran. The Floran are particularly susceptible to the effects of Catnip, so they tend to stay friends with this race. However, the Floran is fond of this race's soft fur, and may skin this race for it. d. Glitch: Similar to the previous races, this race will harbor Glitch outcasts. e. Human: Humans are a fan of Catnip, and frequent this race's settlements. Humans are fond of this race's appearance as well. They enjoy the feeling of this race's fur as well. f. Hylotl: This race's peaceful nature meshes well with the Hylotl's philosophy of peace. However, due to the Hylotl being fish and this race being cats, the Hylotl tend to be wary around members of this race. g. Novakid: This race has no outstanding issues with the Novakid. Although, much like them, they have created diplomatic issues by asking questions that may be construed as socially unacceptable. F. This race is typically very friendly and enjoys hugs. III. Historical/Defining/Notable moments: A. Things that happened in the past that made the race what they are; 1.Discoveries? : This race is known for cultivating a herb (is to be drank in tea, ingested, smoked, baked into goods, etc...) that causes feelings of euphoria and a momentary boost of energy. Most races refer to this herb as 'Catnip.' Other uses of this drug include momentary energy and health generation. a.Visitors traded the secret of space travel for Catnip. 2.Invasions? : Most invaders find the race in teepees and longhouses. If the invaders decide to investigate, and have a army too large to handle, the cats will typically offer the the invaders Catnip, effectively 'mellowing out' their foes. Large buildings and shops are typically built out of wood. Homes may be teepees or small burrows. Beds are mats on the floor that this race curls up on in a feline manner. Smaller groups of this race typically live underground where it's dark and cool. Once their race has a decent population on the planet, they move to the surface for agriculture. a. This race prefers to stay out of the sun, and like to travel during the night. They have developed good night vision and hearing as a result. b. Some races, such as the Avian, have outlawed Catnip, due to its psychedelic effects. c. Like the Hylotl, this race's peaceful nature is taken advantage of. 3. Social Constructs? : This race typically lives in isolated communities with no strong governmental presence. They have a fairly peaceful nature, so violent crimes are uncommon, but most crimes will follow the eye for an eye mentality if it can not be rectified by payment. 4. Misc. : This race loves fish and fruit, especially Salmon and Mangos .IV. Visuals: (now with snout)(aprx x17) (I'm not very good at pixel art, it would be appreciated if someone would like to expand on this ._.) A. What does the Race Look like? : Humanoid cats/leopards/foxes. Large ears, fluffy tails, general feline features. The ship AI would be a kitten (potentially chasing after/swatting at a butterfly. The respawn animation would be a kitten growing into a humanoid. Their fur is very soft, and may be commented on by anyone who "touches" it. Other npcs may comment on the character's cuteness. B. Does the Race have Spikes? Claws? How Many? : This race has feline claws on the hands that may be retracted/drawn for combat or utility. C. Does the Race have Spots? Scales? Another form of skin? : This race may be (but not limited to) spotted, striped, plain, or have patches of color. They may wear warpaint. D. What colour is each individual part of the Race? The body fur colors can range from White to Grey to Black, and lighter shades of other colors (pink, light blue, etc...), hair and markings may be any color. E. How do the genders differ? (If there are any) : Males and Females have similar sexual characteristics to humans. This race has more females than males (aprx 65% female and 35% male.) It is unknown why this has occurred. F. What is its height in pixels? (Humans Are 30Px) : 22-23 px, 25 px with ears G. Pet would be a kitty. Please Comment c: Note: If you vote "with improvement" please comment what you'd like to see improved c: Addendum: This would, ideally, be a playable race. Additional notes: I would like help making this into a mod if it does not get into the game. I am terrible at coding, so someone with coding experience would be appreciated.
Not a bad start. Good to see people using the framework provided. At this stage, I'd recommend you just keep expanding on your ideas as much as possible. Feline races are fairly common, so it's a good idea to make it stand out. The focus on stealth isn't unheard of, but with the right work it can be an interesting addition to the race lineup. Maybe a racial armor bonus to do with stealth or agility?
Thank you! Perhaps a dodge ability? For example, jumping forwards or backwards in certain armor will do a roll that lets you avoid damage (you will lose energy instead of health per hit; better armors will lower this amount, perhaps changing the animation to a faster roll, and at higher tiers it could be something like a cartwheel.) Additionally, a racial ability to see better in the dark, or to be able to "see" with their ears would be interesting. My first attempt at visualising the race. I'm not very good at pixel art .-.
It is a great start, and I hope you continue to work on this to make it better. maybe they can jump alot higher and they have catnip that gives them a rage ability
I have not decided on a ship design, however some ideas are... a giant scratching post a giant cat house a canoe Or just something that looks like it's made out of wood Edit: The current design will most likely be of an english warship that was "borrowed" Further deliberation has decided that it may be like a wooden submarine
Just work on it slowly mon. Mods didn't get made in a single day. Did you try looking up for pixel art tutorials yet?
Yes, I have. Preferably, this would be in the actual game, but in case that doesn't happen, I would like this to be a mod, but seeing as that there are other cat race mods, I doubt anyone would want to get behind making this a mod.
Eh, there's like 4 or 5 dragons in the mod database, one more cat is no worry. Just aim to make yours different from the others, in a way.
Well for starters you can work off the race mod template. It's basically a clone of the vanilla humans, but with easier-to-modify sprites. Find out what you want, look for the proper folder - don't be ashamed to ask on the modding discussion/help forums.
If you go for a mod, be aware of the fact that there is one called "Felins". In fact, it's one of the more popular, done by Kawa (and also considered one of the better ones, judging by comments). You may consider to change the name of your race. I know that there is an "e" as a difference, but stil, it would lead to confusion...
I am well aware of that mod (I use it) And the name is just a placeholder till I think of a better one. Feel free to leave suggestions.