WIP Feathered Velociraptor dino replacement? (+self attempt)

Discussion in 'Mods' started by jsroberts92, Feb 25, 2017.

  1. jsroberts92

    jsroberts92 Intergalactic Tourist

    Hi, I received a dino egg from fishing pretty early into my game, and I was really disappointed upon hatching in how terrible the sprite for the dino looked, so I had a look around for some replacement mods, however none looked of sufficient quality to match that of the chickens and ducks (and replacement rabbit sprites.)

    I did find a bipedal dinosaur sprite, but unfortunately, I'm one of 'those' people who can't stand dinosaurs unless they have feathers on them! (anatomically correct).

    Therefore I did make my own attempt at creating a feathered velociraptor, unfortunately, being my first attempt at creating a sprite sheet, it turned out a bit crap and left a lot to be desired.


    Here's a reference image of what I'm aiming for:


    I'm happy to provide the sprite sheet and XNB if anybody DOES wish to use my attempt for now, but I was curious if anybody else was willing to give this a shot?


      009i66 likes this.
    • Coolwyngs

      Coolwyngs Giant Laser Beams

      Good idea and good luck. I hope someone will help you. I would love to see it done and probably would download it too.
      • jsroberts92

        jsroberts92 Intergalactic Tourist

        Thanks for the kind words! I feel so much more can be done with the livestock in general, but this dinosaur looks SO out of place next to all the fluffy things, that something NEEDS to be done to help the aesthetic...
        • Coolwyngs

          Coolwyngs Giant Laser Beams

          I wish I could help but I can't make sprites. All I can do is make recolors
          • Voltaic123

            Voltaic123 Pangalactic Porcupine

            Your is looking pretty good!! But just so ya know, there is a feathered Velociraptor mod already http://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/825/? :3 I know because I use that one, feathered raptors are so cute!! Keep up the work with yours and we can have two variants of fluffy raptors :nuruawe:
            • jsroberts92

              jsroberts92 Intergalactic Tourist

              Yes I had seen that one! Unfortunately I don't feel the quality matches that of other animal Sprites, which is why I attempted to make one myself. :(
              • jsroberts92

                jsroberts92 Intergalactic Tourist

                Currently trying a second attempt at this, struggling to get some of the feather details in efficiently, but think it's working out!
                  009i66 likes this.
                • Coolwyngs

                  Coolwyngs Giant Laser Beams

                • joykiller91

                  joykiller91 Astral Cartographer

                  I'm using this mod for a biped dinosaur. It sort of looks like your reference just without the feathers.. maybe you can ask permission to add feathers :)

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