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RELEASED FausTech Gear 1.9.4

Multiplayer friendly roleplay equipment and items!

  1. nuker19

    nuker19 Space Kumquat

  2. Mirau

    Mirau Pangalactic Porcupine

    Not feeling the sunburned serajevo style lenses?
    nuker19 likes this.
  3. nuker19

    nuker19 Space Kumquat

    Nah man, aviators and ballistic lenses are two diffrent things, DONTNGET ME WRONG IT ISINT BAD! you are just hurtin johnny bravo's mojo y'hear?

    [​IMG] ballistic lenses

    [​IMG] gold frame aviators
  4. Mirau

    Mirau Pangalactic Porcupine

    I'm aware of what aviators and ballistic lenses both look like. If it's a color change that's requested, then a color change it'll be.
  5. Mirau

    Mirau Pangalactic Porcupine

  6. nuker19

    nuker19 Space Kumquat

    Arrrg duuude, the orange glasses were fine man! What my stupid brain is trying to say is "keep the orange ballistics, add some top gun aviators, you did fine, you are a badass at armor crafting, we are not worthy"
  7. Crusism

    Crusism Big Damn Hero

    Will my Argonian horns show now with the 'Duststorm Hood' and the 'VECS helmet w/ hood'? X'D
    nuker19 likes this.
  8. nuker19

    nuker19 Space Kumquat

    [Joking] no, this is a racist mod and only works for white male humans, shove off with your overblown walking handbags
    Crusism likes this.
  9. Mirau

    Mirau Pangalactic Porcupine

    Still trying to figure out a way to incorporate that properly. I can of course always upload a b side version of the mod and throw up a link in the description, if that would be sufficient?
    nuker19 likes this.
  10. nuker19

    nuker19 Space Kumquat

    I hope i diddint insult you mirau
  11. Mirau

    Mirau Pangalactic Porcupine

    Not at all. Criticism is important for growth. (that includes opinions)
    Crusism and nuker19 like this.
  12. nuker19

    nuker19 Space Kumquat

    Damn straight, you have earned my approval yet again
  13. Crusism

    Crusism Big Damn Hero

    Hmm... Though, wouldn't that be troublesome to update? The 'b side version', I mean.

    Or do you mean a 'b side version' as in a mod of its own (which can be installed with this mod, or an addon to this?) with the 'Duststorm Hood' and the 'VECS helmet w/ hood' alone, which - in the 'b side version' - show horns?

    Could there be a way to make two versions of the 'Duststorm Hood' and the 'VECS helmet w/ hood' (i.e. one that doesn't show horns and one that does)? Or is this the complicating part (apologies for my lack of expertise in understanding this and any complication I may be ignorant to)?

    For that idea though, I would be very thankful... =)
  14. Mirau

    Mirau Pangalactic Porcupine

    Depending on how I would set it up - that would determine the difficulty (or rather, the excess work). I'm leaning towards just an add-on companion mod. For right now I'm working on a slightly larger project that may or may not incorporate some of this gear.
    Crusism likes this.
  15. nuker19

    nuker19 Space Kumquat

    I demand a sneak peek!
  16. Mirau

    Mirau Pangalactic Porcupine

  17. Taphy

    Taphy Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Could you make the Duststorm hood with the blue hood, and maybe make make the VECS mask hood variant a blue variant as well.
  18. nuker19

    nuker19 Space Kumquat

    Odd request but could you do a costume of boris from "life of boris" please?
    It consists of a yellow adidas tracksuit, black adidas tracksuit pants, white adidas sneakers, an unshanka, aviator sunglasses and a baclava or facewrap of some kind.
  19. Theguywhoisrightbehindyou

    Theguywhoisrightbehindyou Space Spelunker

    hmm im just butting in here, but i have a character that i intend to be the grim reaper. do you thing you could make a tattered hood and cloak, with a skull mask?
  20. Mirau

    Mirau Pangalactic Porcupine

    Mirau updated FausTech Gear with a new update entry:

    FausTech Gear 1.9.3

    Read the rest of this update entry...

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