Feedback Faster fog-of-war clearing animations

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Battle Bee, Feb 3, 2019.

  1. Battle Bee

    Battle Bee Heliosphere

    Somewhat similar to the "let us skip battle animations faster" thing - you know when you move a unit in a FoW enabled game and it takes a second after the unit stops moving to update your FoW-cleared zones, preventing you from performing any other action while it does so?

    This is quite a minor thing, but the slowness of this makes FoW games feel somewhat clunky and sluggish. Perhaps it should be made faster, or just update in real-time.
    • LingLing98

      LingLing98 Space Hobo

      Yeah I have the same request. I keep clicking to hope it speeds up just a little. It's getting a bit annoying.
      • KristopherPeterson

        KristopherPeterson Space Hobo

        I would also like to see this.
          LingLing98 likes this.
        • LingLing98

          LingLing98 Space Hobo

          It's in the upcoming patches now. Very nice.

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