RELEASED FarmHouseExtended (Updated 25/4) (Exploding Machines Fixed)(Interior Only)

Discussion in 'Mods' started by QuantumConcious, Mar 25, 2016.

  1. dsrules

    dsrules Subatomic Cosmonaut

    What about a tile property with Action Warp x y Farmhouse ? I think that was my workaround before when I was messing around.
    • Zelnite

      Zelnite Big Damn Hero

      yep im using that Warp X Y FarmHouse but i still warp back to the entrance of the house but not in the inidicate X Y position in the custom properties.
      • dsrules

        dsrules Subatomic Cosmonaut

        What if you put another Warp where you initially land? So you actually Warp twice?
        • Zelnite

          Zelnite Big Damn Hero

          well if i do that i will always warp to that specific location whenever i enter the house xD
          • dsrules

            dsrules Subatomic Cosmonaut

            What about warping to 0 0 then warping to where you want from there? I wish I had a real solution :wut:
            • Zelnite

              Zelnite Big Damn Hero

              I think the problem is the map ID seems like the ID change or something? i tried farmhouse1 farmhouse2 but nah it won't work, i think there is no real solution to this except smapi anyway i wont pursue this anymore xD i just tried it anyway :)
              • QuantumConcious

                QuantumConcious Phantasmal Quasar

                These are the Action properties i use and know of at present

                These actions can be used on tiles or items on the back or building layer (If back layer use on a floor tile, If building layer use on a item eg.Trapdoor, ladder coboard,stove ect

                Action Is generaly used on a building layer item
                Warp Used in Map Properties/Custom Properties or when selecting a back tile and right clicking tile. Select Tile Properties/Custom Properties

                Action Warp 1 10 FarmHouse
                This will Make an action on an item in the building layer that will warp you to tile 1 10 in the FarmHouse, used for trap doors or ladders mostly, but can be used for anything really.

                Warp 1 10 FarmHouse 1 12
                Used on a tile to make you warp to said location when you walk on the tile. Can be used directly on a tile on the back layer or in Map Properties Custom Properties. This example will make a warp on tile x 1 y 10 to take me to x 1 y 12 in the FarmHouse

                Action Message I am a message
                (Used on an item in the Building layer by selecting tile right clicking then select Tile Properties/Custom Properties)
                This will display a message on an item in the building layer when a player interacts with said item
                Action Mailbox
                Turns item into a mailbox (incase you want to change mailbox) location
                Action Kitchen
                Makes item bringup Cooking window when iteracted with ingame
                WaterSource t
                Used to make the item a Water source to fill up your watering can
                Type Dirt
                Makes a back layer tile type Dirt
                Diggable t
                Makes a back layer tile diggable(ploughable) Able to grow crops
                NoFurniture t
                USed on a back tile to prevent furnature from being placed
                TouchAction Sleep
                Used on a back tile to make you goto sleep when you touck the floor tile with your character
                NPCBarrier T
                Prevents NPC's from passing said floor tile (Back Layer tile)
                NoSpawn ALL
                Prevents all items/NPC's from spawning on tile (Back Layer)
                NoSpawn Tree
                Prevents Trees/seeds from spawning on tile (Back Layer)
                  Jinxiewinxie likes this.
                • QuantumConcious

                  QuantumConcious Phantasmal Quasar

                  The FarmHouse no mater what it is FarmHouse FarmHouse1 ect ect will always be called apon as just plain FarmHouse
                  • dsrules

                    dsrules Subatomic Cosmonaut

                    Thanks! I've noticed a lot, if not almost all are map restricted. i.e BusTicket, Garbage 3, HMTGF, etc. Ones like NPC vendors won't even work unless the NPC is present. I'm doubting there is a way around this, though it would be nice.
                    • taintedwheat

                      taintedwheat Master Astronaut


                      Idk, maybe it will be helpful for tilesheet scale.

                      This program is the shit [trying my first attempt rn to reskin the horse into a cute chinese crested (dog in my profile pic) with a bow in her hair I can recolor.

                      ...oh fuck. Now i want to give my pets gifts and accesories ;_;
                        dsrules likes this.
                      • dsrules

                        dsrules Subatomic Cosmonaut

                        Haha, it's a slippery slope. I'm struggling with making the map design itself! I hate that the tile sheet selector is so small!
                          taintedwheat likes this.
                        • taintedwheat

                          taintedwheat Master Astronaut

                          Me too, and it really doesn't help that all the images for things are everywhere with little spacing in between each sprite. The zoom on aseprite is crazy, i was using photoshop cs15 mainly at first but the zoom is subpar to do any detail work. Aseprite triples the zoom max that ps has.
                            dsrules likes this.
                          • QuantumConcious

                            QuantumConcious Phantasmal Quasar

                            Anyone willing to test My new Version of FarmHouseExtendedVer1.2 no farm no cart
                            I would like you to test and confirm that stuff does not explode in the basement of all house versions and wallpaper is all good in all house versions.
                            If so give me a yell and i will send a private temp lnk to download it. If it all turns out good like it has for me i will upload the new version for all.. I also supply saves for FarmHouse, FarmHouse1 , FarmHouse 1 Married , FarmHouse 2 , FarmHouse 2 Married
                            Note: Non of the Basement can be wallpapered just not possible yet
                              Last edited: Mar 30, 2016
                            • taintedwheat

                              taintedwheat Master Astronaut

                              i can test them, what do you means supply saves? (the back ups?)

                              it'd only be for farmhouse married though
                              • dsrules

                                dsrules Subatomic Cosmonaut

                                I'm hot on the case.
                                • QuantumConcious

                                  QuantumConcious Phantasmal Quasar

                                  I added 5 saves to the zip with the 5 maps each with a save named after the map FarmHouse FarmHouse 1 FarmHouse 2 and the married versions
                                  • Acerbicon

                                    Acerbicon Pangalactic Porcupine

                                    I'd be happy to test as well.
                                    • QuantumConcious

                                      QuantumConcious Phantasmal Quasar

                                      I took the time to get the 5 saves in place at each level to better test stuff, i use them to check each stage and the have them upgrade in game to see what happens all has been fine for me sofar just need some more to verify. Don't want to upload something that is broken again. It would kill my mod people will avoid it like the plague
                                      • dsrules

                                        dsrules Subatomic Cosmonaut

                                        I'm currently testing the "fixed" maps and I have a question for those who experienced the explosions- what were the circumstances? What were you doing? Were you using mods? Any info would be helpful.
                                          Sarahfiren likes this.
                                        • Sarahfiren

                                          Sarahfiren Phantasmal Quasar

                                          I was down in the basement back near the boiler furnace placing down my crafting furnace then placing the copper in it after it was done when went to collect it just blew up O.O heres all
                                          my mods I had at the time of the issue:

                                          the black was where my furnace was
                                          pym8kWH.png Capture (1).PNG

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