Attached please find the mostly final versions of the Farmhouse Basement Mod for Content Patcher, which adds a basement and bathroom after the second house upgrade. I've done the Restored and Unfinished versions both with and without the bathroom. The bathrooms are 'cellar-friendly', joining the farmhouse map at the children's bedroom. Each version has variable bed layouts: the regular 2 bed, a one bed with crib or no beds/crib. You can pick which layout you want by editing the enclosed config.json file in a text editor. EDIT: I have redone all 4 sets of farmhouse maps to fix various things, including the fireplace problem. If you have downloaded these before, please redownload them for the improvements. Second Edit: if you downloaded the Restored with Basement version, please redownload it - I mixed up the no bedroom files with another's. Final Edit: I've inserted the last edits of these files, the Content Patcher versions of MiniPatsu's original Farmhouse Basement mod. I've also included an update of the Colored version(which is buried somewhere in the xnb coversion thread); both colors and all 3 layouts are included in the new file. Any further farmhouse mods I release will have their own thread. Final, final edit: The 1.3.36 update of the game messed with tilesheets. I have redone all of these files with the required edit. Final, Final, Final edit: All files updated for 1.4.
Sorry, I'm so used to what it looks like I forget that most people aren't. Mods I'm using atm are Yellog's Brown and Cream Furniture and Mi's Fireplaces. Restored basement with an unmarried character. I've been playing on a save, so I haven't gotten stuff moved to the basement yet; but all machines work in the basement as normal - except casks)
I just wanted to let you know with my fully upgraded house, the area to the left in the kitchen where the fireplace was before we were able to move it, there's a space there. Normally this wouldn't be a problem, but you can't walk there, you can't place anything there, and a black line appears when you change the wallpaper. I'm on the beta and my character is unmarried, if that's helpful to you! Here are some examples. I also feel like it's noteworthy to mention I'm using the CP version of DIY Home Decor and simply made the farmhouse tiles look the same, with some personal modification like making the bathroom suit my aesthetics. It looks like something is missing there? But I didn't edit anything that involved the kitchen area.
Which version of the Mod are you using? I haven't tried the DIY Home Decor Mod; does it change the fireplace at all? I do know that in the beta the fireplaces are loaded from a different tilesheet than previously. If you take out the DIY mod does this still happen?
I'm currently using the Basement Restored with Bathroom, and removing the DIY Decor mod doesn't affect anything other than my furniture. There's still a gap in the same spot. I can't think of any other mod that could affect it.. I haven't messed with the fireplace that appears in the towninterior.xnb either.
I'm sorry, Oboko, but I can't seem to recreate this problem. I removed all my mods except for the Restored Basement w/bath and went thru all 3 versions of it: all 3 showed a fire place there. The only time I had anything similar happen is when I removed the fireplace that the game loaded - if I did that, I couldn't put it back or place anything there. Given the nature of the game's coding, I don't think you can put anything else there, it's fireplace only. Perhaps try verifying your game files so you don't have any old tilesheets hanging around. Edit: I rechecked the Restored Basement w/bathroom file and re-uploaded it. Maybe try redownloading it.
I've redownloaded it and verified my game files, and nothing's changed. It's fine, though, it doesn't hinder my ability to play the game. It's still a useful mod that I really like!
This is 100% the fireplaces missing from the furniture tilesheet. do you have anything that modifies furniture? The fireplace for the farmhouse is loaded from Tilesheets/furniture.xnb now. If you look at the far bottom left you should see them. I can help you take a look at the file if you don't know how
hmmm...... ok, can you go into content patcher's config, turn on the verbose log, run the game once, and then share your smapi log?
@Oboko I figured out what the problem was in that spot and the newest set of mod files have it fixed. It never fails, just when you think you've got everything fixed you spy something else that bugs you. All 4 files in the main post have been redone to fix varioius bugs and inconsistencies: like fixing the odd bit between the spouse room and the farmer's bedroom.
so, the area in the kitchen is fixed and works like a charm! but i ran into another problem, unfortunately. i downloaded the first file again, basement with bathroom restored, and initially it worked like a charm until i modified the config to remove the beds and crib. it works fine with two-bed and one-bed, but the moment i set it to no-bed, my bathroom becomes the void. perhaps that isn't the correct terminology for that setting? i'm not sure. sorry for having so many issues with this mod..
@Oboko Yah, I just found that error and came to re-upload the file. (There's too dang many versions of this mod.. =E) If anyone finds any more file errors, please let me know so I can fix them.
it works like a charm now! thank you for humoring me, it's a really nice mod and i enjoy having all the space to work with! it makes it feel like a home.
No problem! I love this silly mod and I know how it feels to not have it. That's why, for my sins, I started figuring out how to keep it updated.
I married my friend in co-op to get the spouse room to show up, but no luck. Is it something simple i'm missing to change? or is it cause it's not an npc?
I believe that's because you married another player, although I don't have that much experience with multi-player. Also which version are you using? Edit: I can make a version where the spouse room shows up for non-married/player-married; but there's no decorations and you can't change the wallpaper or put anything on the walls - you can place furniture in it, though. The latest picture I posted is just a trial build; any windows or wall-objects needs to be added in as map objects - but the fountain works, so yay! animations.