Alright. Thanks for testing this out! That means I messed something else up, so I'll dig through the mod over the coming days and see if I figure out where the problem is.
The three new craftables won't show up? I have CJB Item Spawner and there's three blank spots (in the decoration section of all places) and if I hover over them it tells me they're there, but they're invisible when I put them down. Do they not show up in CJB Item Spawner? I've tried reinstalling it many times, and made sure there were no craftables in my SeasonalImmersion content pack, so I have no clue what could be causing this. EDIT 1: I should add that all the products show up, ie the soap and the perfume and tea. Just the Drying Rack, Perfumery, and Soap Maker are invisible. EDIT 2: They show up on the regular craftables, and when I craft it properly it shows up fine, so I suppose I don't have a problem, since even though I have the spawner, I like making things legit, only have it really for a hats mod and to decorate my house.
@Kildarien Hiya! Loving this mod and the new flowers added since the first version, but I have a teensy little question o3o A new mod was published today called Custom Crops by spacechase0, which makes it easier to add new crops to the game, and make using multiple mods that add new crops (like this and the MCM) easier. Would you consider making your flowers available through this mod? If not, that's fine too~
Hi. I was hoping I could get a bit of help with the mod. I installed it as well as the required mods but when I went to play the game a SMAPI warning came up telling me that Shop Extender couldn't add the seeds to the shop because there was no value? This is what the error log shows: [0916 ERROR Shop Expander] Unable to add item to shop, it has no value: 841 [0916 TRACE Shop Expander] RegisterObject(1 Crookneck Squash:868@Pierre,1*999,'year>1,spring') [0916 TRACE Shop Expander] RegisterObject(1 Fancy Sweet Tea:806@Pierre,1*999,'spring') [0916 TRACE Shop Expander] RegisterObject(1 Green Tea:801@Pierre,1*999,'!fall,!winter') [0916 TRACE Shop Expander] RegisterObject(1 Watermelon Seeds:863@Pierre,1*999,'year>1,spring') [0916 ERROR Shop Expander] Unable to add item to shop, it has no value: 826 [0916 TRACE Shop Expander] RegisterObject(1 Collectible Tea Box:810@Pierre,1*999,'spring') [0916 ERROR Shop Expander] Unable to add item to shop, it has no value: 880 [0916 ERROR Shop Expander] Unable to add item to shop, it has no value: 813 [0916 TRACE Shop Expander] RegisterObject(1 Golden Hubbard Squash Seeds:871@Pierre,1*999,'year>1,summer') [0916 ERROR Shop Expander] Unable to add item to shop, it has no value: 816 [0916 TRACE Shop Expander] RegisterObject(1 Fruit Splash Tea:803@Pierre,1*999,'summer') [0916 ERROR Shop Expander] Unable to add item to shop, it has no value: 819 [0916 TRACE Shop Expander] RegisterObject(1 Sweet Lighting Pumpkin:874@Pierre,1*999,'year>1,fall') [0916 ERROR Shop Expander] Unable to add item to shop, it has no value: 877 [0916 ERROR Shop Expander] Unable to add item to shop, it has no value: 822 [0916 ERROR Shop Expander] Unable to add item to shop, it has no value: 825 [0916 TRACE Shop Expander] RegisterObject(1 Tea Bag Carton (Green):808@Pierre,1*999,'fall') [0916 ERROR Shop Expander] Unable to add item to shop, it has no value: 828 [0916 ERROR Shop Expander] Unable to add item to shop, it has no value: 830 [0916 ERROR Shop Expander] Unable to add item to shop, it has no value: 832 The Registered ones come from different mods. EDIT: when I opened the config.json file I from the Shop Expander section of this mod most of the entries were blank between the quotation marks: { "Owner": "Pierre", "Item": 828, "Amount": 1, "Conditions": "" }, And second edit, even though I doubt the author is around anymore. I made perfume and tried to sell it, I couldn't even put it in the shipping bin.
I'm so sad that the author seems to be MIA because I was really hoping they would make it compatible with the Custom Crops mod I don't know how this stuff works but maybe someone could convert them? I've seen some other conversions on Nexus.
I've started my own conversion, but had been waiting for any indication that the author was going to give the all-clear, especially with some of the vanilla flowers still being edited. I was also waiting on an expansion to Custom Crops that would allow for even more additions, including trees and recipes (since none of those can exist outside of editing the vanilla files at this time-last I was around and not sick, it was successfully adding crops and cooking recipes).
Making it compatible with Custom Crops is no problem, the problem is the other features and making it all work together. Looks like the new crafting machines should be fine since they use Custom Farming, however I really will miss the recipes and the bouquets. I think the recipes *may* be fine? Using the XNB method, but I know that CustomCrops flips out and crashs if you touch the vanilla ObjectsInformation and Crops files which makes all the cool custom items added by this mod a no-go if using CustomCrops.
There's been a discussion going on in the Stardew Modding Discord. Spacechase is creating a mod called JsonAssets to replace CustomCrops that will allow for custom items, recipes, etc. It's intended to be compatible with Custom Farming. So keep an eye out for that.
Would anyone know how to get the perfumery, drying rack, and soap maker to work, or if its supposed to take forever to process? like @tinkerbelljln I initially had issues with the craftables showing up, being blank in CJB item-spawner, but with products visible. I managed to fix that (I'm sorry that I cant quite remember how) but now I have been waiting almost/over an entire season without my machines having produced anything and I doubt it would take 5x longer than wine (also when I look for them in CJB Item-spawner they are invisible again, but I can still craft them myself) Happy to say that trees, flowers, and crafted flower pots are working and beautiful, all mod items list in the shops, but for some reason wheat doesn't exist anymore? Is that normal? Edit: The craftables are being labeled as Decor, could that be why it wont produce? if so how do I go about changing it? Thank you! I understand its probably a long shot getting an answer on this thread
The Drying Rack, Perfumery, and Soap Maker have production times of 2000 (~1-2 days), 4000 (~2-3 days), and 6000 (~4 days) respectively. For comparison, vegetables in a keg have a production time of 6000 (approx. 4 days). They do produce. It just takes some time. As to them being invisible in the Item Spawner, I believe that is 100% a CustomFarming issue and should be brought to the attention of that mod's author. Otherwise, a workaround for that is to spawn the items via the item spawner, open your inventory, and move something--the items should become visible. EDIT: A CustomCrops port is on hold until Space releases the newer, more-encompassing successor to CustomCrops that will be able to handle crops, trees, recipes, and crafted items (machines will still be through CF, however)
@SpringsSong Thank you so much for your reply! I'll keep a closer eye on them and see if they produce something, but i was testing the production times before and all my kegs, preserve pots, and oil makers are next to the mod crafts and put one item in each craft to gauge timing and compare product value, but only my vanilla craftables pop anything out. I'll recheck all my mods and update what I can in the meantime. I have deactivated and reposted my crafts to see if maybe I had something installed that was conflicting. Still confused as to why they are labeled as decor but if thats not the issue than its not a big deal and Ill see if moving them around in my inventory makes them visible, thanks again!
Looks like Json Assets just released!
The port's gonna take me a couple days more to polish; making it work with CustomFarming takes some additional work on the user's end at this point in time, and I want to be sure I have a very thorough tutorial written up.
I just started a new game with this mod on and I love it already! Man, I think it was already worth it just for the daffodils that look good and like actual daffodils.
Loving the mod. Is there a place/video that shows how to use all the machines? I'm trying to make vinegar.
I'm having a lot of fun with this mod. But now I've run into a small problem: I can craft and place the machines but I can't remove them/pick them up and place them somewhere else. Trying keeps the originally placed machine where it is and puts a duplicate "pick up" version somehwere on the screen where I can't get to it to pick it up, not even with the magnet ring. Any idea why this might be?