Thank you for your reply, I will try the custom farming optional file (I thought I had it). As for the map recolor I use this one but unless I'm not understanding how things work I think the file called Compatible version is all you need since it's the craftables file... I think. I haven't got to just sit and learn about xnb's and they are a file type I'm very unfamiliar with Thanks for any help you might be able to give. I really love being a flower farmer It seems that CFAutomate is outdated and don't work with the current version of automate.
That's a bummer. I guess the only thing to do at this point is hope that @Platonymous finds the time to update CFAutomate. As for the craftables, it looks like there are two files that will need to be updated (craftables.xnb and springobjects.xnb) since part of the spinning wheel animation might be stored in the springobjects file. So, if you want me to splice the files together, I'll need to know which version of Farmer to Florist you're using (the regular one or the MCM one.) I also can't guarantee that I'll get to it in a timely manner so if you're impatient, here's a really helpful guide (with pictures!) on how to pack and unpack .xnb files. You'd need to unpack the relevant files from both mods, copy the modified images from one .png to the other, repack the edited files, and then copy the packed .xnb into your Stardew Valley folder.
I am madly in love with this mod so far but in the pierres shop it only shows violets :c none of the other spring items so far also for the machines do we need another mod :/ ~EDIT~ I want to add that the work you have done is beautiful on this mod absolutely wonderful!!
@Laurasouros The other seeds should appear at the end of Pierre's shop inventory. If they are not there, then you may need to (re-)install the Shop Expander mod (+ Entoarox Framework.) Links to these are toward the bottom of the mod page. The machines should appear at the end of the crafting menu. If they are not there, then you may need to (re-)install the Custom Farming mod (+ CustomElementHandler.) Links to these are also toward the bottom of the mod page.
Kildarien updated [SMAPI] Farmer to Florist with a new update entry: Farmer to Florist v1.2 (Magenta Madness) Read the rest of this update entry...
Hi Kildarien, Just want to say that I'm loving this mod so far. Thank you so much for making them! I do have a few questions about the new makers, though. I can't seem to figure out the pattern of how they work. I see that soap makers seem to be the most profitable, because they take the most time, with perfume in the middle, and tea being the least valuable, but the quickest to produce. That being said, I've noticed some inconsistencies that are confusing me. Firstly, a number of flower-based teas actually LOWER the value if you are using a regular or silver quality item. For example, if I use a regular Camellia to make tea, the result is tea that sells for 50g. Since the regular Camellia sells for 55 with the tiller skill, the profit ends up being -5g! The problem is compounded with the silver tier, with -18g profit because of the increased value of the flower. With a gold quality input, the tea suddenly sells for 150g, and I no longer lose money by producing tea. I double checked all of these values with crocus as well, and got the same results. Secondly, I've noticed some inconsistencies with pricing. For example, Camellia Soap with a regular input, sells for 400g. If I use a silver quality input, the soap sells for 300g. I'm not sure what's causing all this, or if it's just user error, but I was hoping you could give me some insight as to how the makers calculate the final value of the item that you put in. I know some of the vanilla makers use set values, and some others use formulas such as =2.25*base. Here's a link to the Data that I've collected so far. Just to note, I DO have the tiller perk, which seems to be affecting the flower sell-prices. Thanks!
@Thurese ---- TL; DR: Let n be the base sale value of a flower F. Then, the sale value (as reported in the end-of-day ledger) for produce made with F should be: Honey: (2 * n) + 100 Tea: (2 * n) + 50 Perfume: (2 * n) + 150 Soap: (2 * n) + 300 Each of these values may be modified by an additional *1.4 if the player has the Artisan perk. If anyone is observing any other sale values, please notify me with screenshots of your ledger so I might begin troubleshooting. ---- First, I want to thank you for the effort you've put into documenting this phenomenon. It's incredibly helpful to have all the data laid out like this! With that said: I have no idea how you're getting those numbers. First, some background. My intent was to make the drying rack make cheap produce quickly, while the soap maker makes expensive produce slowly, and the perfume maker somewhere in the middle (i.e., mid-level produce created at mid-level speed.) To do this, I did a lot of experimentation with the Custom Farming machines to see how the sale value of the output is calculated. My findings are that produce creating with a Custom Farming machine (which includes the Farmer to Florist machines) follows the formula q * (n + b) where the variables are as follows: q is a modifier determined by the quality level of the output. Normal-quality produce have a multiplier of 1; Silver, 1.25; Gold, 1.5; and Iridium, 2. n is the base sale value of the input item. This is the price listed on your collections page for the item in question, and is also the amount of G you receive if you were to sell one normal-quality item. For example, the "base sale value" for a tulip is 30G; for a sunflower, 80G; and for a poppy, 140G. b is the base sale value for the output item. This is the price listed on your collections page for the item in question. It is also the amount that appears on your ledger if you were to sell a copy of this item received from any source that is not a Custom Farming machine (i.e., if you were to somehow purchase "perfume" from the Traveling Cart, it would sell for 75G, which is the price listed on the collections page.) To ensure that produce created with a Farmer to Florist machine always sells at a profit, I made it so all such produce is of Iridium-level quality. This means that all machine produce should sell for at least twice the base value of the flower (or whatever) that you put into the machine. This amount (2 * base value) is already more than the amount you would get if you sold normal-, silver-, or gold-quality produce outright. Now, if we set q = 2, insert the proper base values (as listed on the collections page), and do some arithmetic, we'll find that flower tea should sell for (2 * n) + 50; flower perfume for (2 * n) + 150; and flower soap for (2 * n) + 300. (As a side note, honey produced by the bee house follows a similar formula: (2 * n) + 100. The wiki implies that honey uses a discrete table of values, but this is not the case.) Whew. Alright. I did some additional testing after reading through your post, and I found that the sale value of produce follows the above formulas and is independent of the quality level of the input. In other words, using Camellia as an example: Camellia sale value, normal: 50G; silver: 62.5G; gold: 75G Machine produce, made using Camellia: Tea sale value: 210G (regardless of whether I used normal, silver, or gold-quality Camellia) Perfume: 350G (again, regardless of Camellia quality) Soap: 560G (again, regardless of Camellia quality) If we were to calculate the sale value of Camellia tea ourselves, it should turn out to be (2 * 50) + 50 = 150G. I have the Artisan perk, so my Camellia tea should sell for 150 * 1.4 = 210G, which it does. Similar calculations for perfume yield 250G (without Artisan) and 350G (with Artisan), and for soap yield 400G (without Artisan) and 560G (with Artisan.) These match the experimental data listed above. I've recorded these sale values for produce made with normal-, silver-, and gold-quality Daisy, Camellia, Clematis, Sunflower, Freesia, Dahlia, and Chrysanthemum, and in each case, the expected sale values determined via the formulas match the in-game sale values listed in the end-of-day ledger. ---- IN CONCLUSION: As far as I can tell, machine produce is working as expected. Machine produce always sells for more than the unprocessed fruit, vegetable, or flower would, and the machine produce sale value is independent of the initial quality of the fruit, vegetable, or flower. If you continue getting abnormal sale values (as listed in the end-of-day ledger) then please notify me, and include screenshots of the end-of-day ledger showing the abnormal values, as well as a list of mods you have installed. One last note on this subject for now: flowers put through the drying rack will produce one of two items, a bag of tea or a bag of poison. The tea bags are artisan goods and get the additional *1.4 modifier. The bags of poison are NOT artisan goods and DO NOT get the additional *1.4 modifier. I've tried to make every flower that is poisonous irl be harmful to the player in-game; these flowers will produce bags of poison instead of bags of tea. All other flowers should be turned into tea bags when processed through the drying rack.
@Kildarien Thanks for the thorough reply! I'll do some more testing tomorrow and get some more data with screenshots thrown in. The data on your formulas really helps!
Okay. I have to say, this has been an incredibly useful learning experience. I've learned more about Stardew Valley modding in the last two days than I ever thought I would! Thanks so much for your time and responses. I'm back after doing some more testing. My results? I'm more confused than ever. I definitely think something's wrong, but I'm not sure what's causing it at all! So, here are my findings. I've found a few things to be true, and a few things to be just plain strange. I can't trust any of my data. Today, tea was selling for 35g with Artisan. Yesterday, the SAME tea was selling for 70g with Artisan. I have not made any changes to the game files since then. The output price has nothing to do with the quality of the input. I apparently just had some really strange luck yesterday when testing my tea prices. I tried multiple flowers yesterday, and the 'normal' value seemed to always come up for the gold quality input. That has not been the case at all today. As you'll see in my screenshots below, it was a silver quality input this time that got me a normal price, and the regular and gold that got me the abnormal price. Note: I went back and tested 3 silvers, right after the series of screenshots I made, and they were ALL at the abnormal price. I am convinced that this has nothing to do with the quality of the input crop. Thank god. This drastically lowers the amount of data I need to collect. When Tea or perfume stack, the entire stack seems to use the same price. This can be the normal or abnormal price, but I've NEVER had a stack of three, for instance, have two normal and an abnormal price. Below is a link to an imgur album with all the screenshots I've been able to take. Some of these are references specifically in further down in the post. This includes the active .dll mods I'm using. As you can see, I put three Camillas in the drying racks, and sold each on three separate days (I was trying to keep them from stacking, because I know that affects their behavior). The results were inconsistent. Extensive Mod List: !Entoarox Framework Bath House Hot spring Mod Better Ranching Custom Element Handler Custom Farming Expanded Fridge Farmer to Florist Gift Taste Helper (Always Disabled) HappyBirthday Lookup Anything No Fence Decay NPC Map Locations Mod Portraiture - With Many Portrait Packs Seasonal Immersion - Using Seasonal Victorian Buildings Note: I did not install the 'content' data out of this, just the seasonal immersion files.Shop Expander Daily Notifications Teh's Fishing Overhaul --------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Okay! So midway through writing this, I observed another behavior that may explain some of this. When I have tea, soap, or perfume, using the Right click function (or X on controller) to pick up an individual item out of a stack, it clears the iridium quality off the item, causing it to sell for (in the case of tea) 35g instead of the correct value. You can see me doing it in the screenshots without even realizing I was doing it. This may explain about 90% of what's going on here. I've tried to duplicate this behavior with other items, and I can't. It only seems to affect items that come out of the Perfume, Tea, and Soap makers. The last three images in the album above show prices from me playing with it. HOWEVER, it still doesn't explain the last screenshot with the Peony Tea, showing Iridium quality and still selling for 70g from last night. At the end of all this so far... I seem to have two separate issues. 1) Separating stacks, or using right-click functionality to pick up an item made with a soap, tea, or perfume maker, causes the item to lose its quality designation, tanking the sell price. 2) Some items are randomly selling for extremely low values. (See the screenshot of the Peony Tea). Edit: Update #2 After much trial and error, and messing around with things. I can now consistently reproduce this behavior, and identify the in-game cause. Note that all of my values take artisan into account. I use tea in all of my examples, but I've been able to reproduce this behavior on soap and perfume, too. The reason I never noticed it on the soap, is because I was gathering flower data in series. So I would hold the tea/perfume until the soap was ready. Because of that, I would get low values for tea/perfume, but soap would behave normally. Issue #1 - Iridium Quality can be removed. I can separate a stack of Tea/Perfume/Soap but using the 'split stack' key. This affects single items, too. When this happens, the iridium quality is removed from the item, causing it to sell for 35g (For tea). This does not happen for any item in the game world other than the items produced from these three makers. Steps to reproduce Make Tea out of any flower that would produce tea instead of poison. Harvest the tea. Open your inventory Use Right-Click or 'X' on a controller to 'pick it up' The iridium quality will be cleared. Sell for 35g. Issue #2 - Tea/Perfume/Soap selling at abnormally low values. I can accurately reproduce this issue by allowing an item to exist in the game-world overnight. E.g. If I make tea, throw it in a chest, and sell it the next day, it sells for 70g. If I make tea and sell it immediately, it sells for the full value. I've tested a few scenarios, such as leaving the farm/coming back, etc. The only thing that seems to cause it is sleeping while the item exists in the game world (on your person or in a chest). If you have an item that has existed in the game world for more than a day, and you pick up a FRESH item from the dryer/perfume maker/soap maker, the new item inherits the lower value from the old item. Steps to reproduce Make Tea out of any flower that would produce tea instead of poison. Harvest the Tea and either put it in a chest or keep it in your inventory. Sell the tea the next day via the shipping bin for 70g.
Hi, I need some help. I use this and the More Crops Mod, and when I updated to the Magenta Madness update with the compatibility patch, the crops used in the MCM mod wound up having different sprites, like Pineapple was now using Cucumber's plant sprite, and the rice plant just didn't appear even though the game detected it as being there. I don't know if I installed the patches wrong or what, and would appreciate some help if possible.
@Thurese Thanks for the detailed write-up! I very much appreciate the work you've done in trying to replicate the problem. I'll give you a proper response later, once I've had a chance to mess around with it myself, but my initial reaction is that this issue lies in the way Custom Farming creates items or in how SMAPI interacts with the game, which are not really things I can do much about myself. I did want to clarify a couple of things you pointed out, though. First: "When Tea or perfume stack, the entire stack seems to use the same price." I believe this is a known issue with how Stardew Valley handles stacks of items. Normally, items with the same ID have the same sale value, so this wouldn't be an issue. There are a few places where this is not the case, however. I believe that in vanilla Stardew, you can witness similar behavior with grapes: the wild ones don't get a bonus from the Tiller profession, for example, while home-grown ones do, yet you can put both kinds of grapes in the same stack as they share the same item ID. That causes both kinds of grapes in the same stack to behave similarly (i.e., sometimes all grapes get the Tiller bonus, while other times none get the bonus.) Second, regarding the base sale value of the Farmer to Florist Tea Bag, Perfume, and Soap. The formula for the sale value is technically 2 * (n + b), remember. That can be rewritten as (2 * n) + (2 * b), so if I want the equation for tea to be (2 * n) + 50, I need (2 * b) = 50, which means the base value for tea needs to be 25, not 50. This is also why the base value of perfume is 75 and not 150, and why the base value for soap is 150 instead of 300. ---- @Feenie13 It's entirely possible I numbered things incorrectly. I'll take another look at the files later today and let you know what's up. EDIT: It does look like I numbered the crops wrong. I'll try to fix it sometime this weekend, and hopefully that'll fix the issue.
Thank you very much for looking into it Otherwise, I'm super satisfied with the mod so far. No real complaints, other than that I have to edit the craftables xnb with the other mods I use that edit it when it updates, but that's mostly on me, lol Keep up the great work!
@Feenie13 I've re-numbered the crop sprites and reuploaded the MCM patch. Let me know if that fixes the problem you were having!
No, I'm afraid it didn't fix the problems I was having, I'm sorry. The MCM crops are still behaving weird (I'm using the link provided in the post for the patch), like Canary Melon's fully grown sprite doesn't even show up now.
By any chance, did you plant these melons before Farmer to Florist v1.2, then update to 1.2 while they were growing? The reason I ask is because modifying the data files only affects new crops (the old crops will still use the old data) while all crops (new and old) use the updated spritesheets, so this could partially be an issue of the old melons trying to use, say, crop sprite #60, which may have been removed or changed with the update, instead of sprite #71, causing you to have invisible (or otherwise weird-looking) crops. In other words: old crops will be wonky, and unfortunately there's not much I can do about that. If you update to the newest version of the mod, buy fresh seeds from Pierre's, plant them, and are still encountering problems with the new plants from the new seeds, let me know because it'll mean I messed something else up.
Yeah, I did. I destroyed the plants and planted with fresh seeds, but the sprite still wasn't showing up right. The seed was showing up okay, but not the fully grown plant.