New GitHub repo for this guy! Always the latest version - This MOD is an unofficial continuation of Oranisagu's FarmAutomation.ItemCollector MOD, adding support for SDV 1.1+. So this is a thing now... The image basically shows the setup, by default the Hut will connect on the bottom-left corner, either next to or in front of the building. The Mill has an input and an output, input goes directly the the hole on the front of the building, the output is the bin to the side. With this example setup, you can have a wheat/beet farm that the Junimos will harvest, it will be collected in the chest in the center, the wheat/beets will be loaded into the mill from that chest and then in the morning the flour/sugar will be loaded back into the chest. This setup does require having a chest in the middle, you can't directly connect the buildings. edition): - SDV 1.2 Update This is somewhat experimental, there may be both old and new bugs so if anyone finds them, please let me know TODO: - Add the ability to suppress the item pops when machines finish processing - Maybe an ingame menu to handle config? - A pipe dream possibly, but maybe a configurable to sort items to specific chests to transfer items around your farm instead of just to machines.
It is very much appreciated, i'll check it out. In the meantime, you might wanna check this thread out: As Entoarox is also currently working on updating this fantastic mod.
Thank you very much!- it seems to work very well - the only thing I did not use as of yet are pathes. koops and barns work and machines are filled ..
Thank you so much! This is one of my 'essential' mods and not having to handle the barn by hand again is lovely. I appreciate you taking on the task of updating this!
Thanks man, this is great. The only problem I found so far is that the collection doesn't happen when the machines and chests are inside the shed, possibly because it hasn't been added to the mod yet
Well the newest ( version does. It also now supports casks and coffee/mead recipes. I think only the Mill is left now.
As of right now, probably not (I don't have one yet to test). I'll see what I can do though, but it might be a day or so.
I had a similar problem to this, but with eggs. Turned out I was used to the CJB version and had my mayonnaise machines up against a set of preserve jars that were also adjacent to a chest. When I switched the chest the eggs were in, it worked. Since everything connects in a straight line or as long as they are in one clump with a chest somewhere in the group, two chests confuses the issue. If I were you, I'd check to see if your recycling machines were connected to any other machine using another chest. And I really want to say thanks for this mod.
Yeah I had 2 chests next to each other. An easy way to test machines is to create a test game and use:
I tried to play this game as "intended", went a whole year doing everything manually. Then I got 24 animals and after about 3 weeks of that I started hating them/not doing them. I've came the conclusion that the animals in the game are just too tedious without automation. Thanks for updating it. Edit: Bug report - Items collected in barns/coops are never silver or higher starred. With 1.1, that's possible.
I didn't realize that was a thing now, can they be Iridium quality or max at Gold? Also, any idea of the chances on each quality grade? The code for barns/coops is fairly simple, it basically destroys all the items on the ground and then randomly generates the same items in your chest's inventory so the items picked up aren't 100% the same as the one's on the ground, so no quality check. I'll try to add that.
It is up until iridium. This is what CA said about it. Continues for several posts:
Updated with new release, thanks for pointing that out. Looks like coop quality is broken in the vanilla game for the time being, so eggs and all that are still normal quality, but milk and all that should be good. Coincidentally, I believe the coop quality will work as intended without an update as soon as CA fixes the coop.
I hope CA knows.. I haven't seem anyone mention the eggs after he said he had the barns fixed... not here and not an the reddit beta thread.. was testing and reading .. Edit: postet it here in his beta thread. He said that he still looks in there before the 1.11 release, so maybe he will still see it..