Digital Fanart Dump ("Requests" Open)

Discussion in 'Fan Works' started by sallychan, Feb 10, 2017.

  1. sallychan

    sallychan Space Penguin Leader

    I'm still pretty new to using forums (I usually use tumblr), especially for sharing fanart, but I figure what the heck. Easiest way to find more Stardewers is on here I think :D

    "Requests" might not be the right word here, but I'd like to see what people want to see more of. Right now I'm really into drawing the adventures of Farmer/Sam and Seb/Abigail, and illustrations from my fic "Miss Penny", which is Alex/Penny... but what's the flavor of the month for you guys? Who needs more fanart, or what should get more attention in your opinion? I've really wanted to do some stuff with Abigail and her ~spoilery~ bloodline, but I'm not sure...

    Anyways, here's some art and stuff:







    Definitely more to come <3 (Lots of sketches, I'm sure)
    • Feathered Sparks

      Feathered Sparks Big Damn Hero

      Oh, hey! I've seen you on Tumblr and I actually just started reading your fanfic today. It's all quite nice 8D (That Seb/Abigail piece is new to me though... it's great :rofl:)

      As for "requests," I'm actually really liking what I'm seeing so far already :rofl: Sam could always use a little more love, Sebigail is adorable and story illustrations are super fun! Although come to think of it, you mentioned in your fanfic notes (and had it show up in the fic itself) that you like to imagine Stardew characters that end up close essentially going through each other's "heart events"... An illustration along those lines might be pretty interesting!
      • sallychan

        sallychan Space Penguin Leader

        AW Thanks so much!! ;v; I appreciate all that! It's weird to me that Sam has such LITTLE love... he's such a sweetie ):

        I definitely wanted to do some of the modified "heart events" for Sebigail... especially both of their 10 heart events <3
        Since Sebastian often goes out to smoke near the mines, he would probably hear her scream from being scared of the bats and come check it out. And Abby would LOVE taking rides on that motocycle of his! He'd probably feel like a total goob with her hugging his waist. :cool:
          ApertureGaming011 likes this.
        • rhomboid

          rhomboid 0118 999 881 99 9119 725... 3

          i'm so ready for more :1
          • Pudassassin

            Pudassassin Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

            Welcome to the community, you got some great work there <3<3
            May I request some Leah drawing?
              sallychan likes this.
            • ApertureGaming011

              ApertureGaming011 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

            • sallychan

              sallychan Space Penguin Leader

              More to come soon! ;)
              • sallychan

                sallychan Space Penguin Leader

                Little Sebigail comic (edited to be forum friendly, of course)

                • sallychan

                  sallychan Space Penguin Leader

                  Aw! I think I've seen a FFnet fanfic description with her in it, must be yours! Yes, I might be able to do that :) This might just be a stylizing thing, but do you draw eyes square, or does she have glasses? o:
                  • sallychan

                    sallychan Space Penguin Leader

                    From Chapter 3 of "Miss Penny" :3

                    Alex offers to let her touch his pecs because he knows she's "never seen a guy this built before". He's so obnoxious (I love him)

                      Last edited: Feb 11, 2017
                    • ApertureGaming011

                      ApertureGaming011 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                      I draw eyes as squares. When she studies or plays games, she does sometimes wears glasses, which can make Sebastian blush.

                      Oh, how much I want to make a book about her (*cough cough The Signal cough) she is considered by her brother, Sam and Abigail that she is more of a nerd that Sebastian, having action figures of Soldier 76, a D.Va costume, the model of the Kol Battleship of SOASE, has the StarCraft zergling plusher, etc
                      She's is also REALLY short. She is about four centimeters shorter than Abigail. (Who is 154cm tall)
                      She is extremely shy and has slight PTSD due to past incidents (mentioned in chapter 19 and 26)
                      Lastly, she's never wears makeup.

                      One more thing, she has a pet Junimo called Iseul, a purple junimo with a scar on its right eye.
                        Last edited: Feb 11, 2017
                      • rhomboid

                        rhomboid 0118 999 881 99 9119 725... 3

                      • Apathy Applied

                        Apathy Applied Ketchup Robot

                        Hey, what do you wha-aaaaaaaaaaaaawwww that looks great.

                        (Formating for clarity?)
                          Last edited: Feb 11, 2017
                        • sallychan

                          sallychan Space Penguin Leader

                          Thank you! ;o; I'm not sure I understand the question though... what's "waw"?
                          • Apathy Applied

                            Apathy Applied Ketchup Robot

                            Sorry, the first bit was aimed towards Rhomb. It was a what that turned into an aww ;w;
                            • sallychan

                              sallychan Space Penguin Leader

                              OH I see it now!! :V Thanks again >w<
                              • Apathy Applied

                                Apathy Applied Ketchup Robot

                                So many different emotes, doesn't your face get tired?
                                • desbro

                                  desbro Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                  Aw, I love this style, it's super fun! I look forward to seeing more!
                                    sallychan likes this.
                                  • MagicallyClueless

                                    MagicallyClueless Master Astronaut

                                    holy moly your art is SO PRECIOUS

                                    the style is so cute AND THE WAY YOU DO THE CHARACTERS AHHHHH LOVELY
                                    • UdonBullets

                                      UdonBullets Void-Bound Voyager

                                      I really love all of these and specifically the personality that Alex has in your art~ so cute!
                                        Last edited: Feb 11, 2017
                                        sallychan likes this.

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