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RELEASED Familiars Race 2.51

Glowing Fuzzballs in Space

  1. Christovski

    Christovski Ketchup Robot

    I'm glad to see the glowy poofballs getting the attention they deserve!

    I honestly think it may have been the first mod I installed, back when we were still at Koalas for version notes, I'm pretty picky about race mods, even years later I only use Familiars, Avali, and the Pony Modpack.
  2. Bitcoon

    Bitcoon Big Damn Hero

    Heh I still only use my own mod. I think it says a lot about the vanilla experience that the Chucklefish guys made such a highly moddable game but I'm totally happy just inserting myself into it like a narcissistic little glowbug~

    There are a couple gameplay things I'd like to see adjusted (like not dropping all your healing items on death and having your hotbar slots stick until you get your items back instead of having to replace every dropped item that was assigned) but they're not major enough to make me want to get a mod.
  3. Christovski

    Christovski Ketchup Robot

    Oh, I don't lose items on death, the original Starbound you only lost pixels on death, so I play currently on the Casual difficulty because on that mode you lose pixels on death, so it's like it always was.

    You must play on Normal or Hard if you lose items on death, I'd assume. I have seen some mods changing elements of difficulty, like adding hunger needs to Casual, so I'm sure you will eventually find the one to make it the way you want =3
  4. rylasasin

    rylasasin Cosmic Narwhal

    Just a little heads up, but you're going to have to update your mod come 1.3. Otherwise the game crashes when you try to use mechs as a familiar.
  5. rylasasin

    rylasasin Cosmic Narwhal

    Actually, it's a really simple fix, even I was able to do it. Here it is.

    (Basically all it is, is a copy of deploy_apex.cinematic renamed to deploy_familiar.cinematic)

    Attached Files:

  6. Bitcoon

    Bitcoon Big Damn Hero

    Thanks for the help with the fix! Any idea when the update is coming? I might want to roll some other changes in with this one.
    And yeah, Steam is definitely the place to find me now; the mod's gotten far more popular than I ever could have expected on there and there's comments coming in every few days still so I've been keeping up with it there.
  7. Geodeek

    Geodeek Pangalactic Porcupine

    The median time between unstable and stable release is 5 days. This update includes some fairly large changes though, so it may take a bit longer - but probably not much longer. I'd say a few days, tops.
  8. Bitcoon

    Bitcoon Big Damn Hero

  9. Stone7C1

    Stone7C1 Subatomic Cosmonaut

  10. Ignes_Vulpes

    Ignes_Vulpes Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Will there be a custom ship for the Familiars, or are you going to stay with the Human ship? I think this is the only thing the mod is missing, and maybe some a Familiar npcs or villages.
  11. rylasasin

    rylasasin Cosmic Narwhal

    According to him, he'll stay with the Human ship. This is partially due to the lore:

    You see, Familiars don't really have a "civilization" of their own, they essentially pop up in and integrate themselves with existing ones. This also why there are no Familiar villiages. Back in Koala, Familiars would instead up in vanilla NPC villiages (they don't seem to do that anymore sadly). That's a feature I miss and needs to come back.

    You can have Familiar tenants,and see familiars pop up at the outpost though.
  12. Stone7C1

    Stone7C1 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    technically it could make sense for every race to have the human ship, since you just take what you get when fleeing the planet at the start of the game.

    imo it doesnt even have to be anything fancy. some of the neutral ship types look really cool. like the red industial ones. would just be cool if the familiars had a unique ship like the other races, even if its just another human ship type.

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