Falling trees do damage

Discussion in 'Mechanics' started by General Nuclear, Dec 20, 2013.

  1. BurningSprite

    BurningSprite Big Damn Hero

    Would leaves damage the player? And the damage should be ridiculous, because, I doubt even an impervium car could stand an eyeball metal rainbow tree
  2. Dargona1018

    Dargona1018 Existential Complex

    I don't think that leaves should damage you/them.
    And the same with the damage. It needs to be balanced, so you cant just one-shot EVERY BOSS that you want.
    After all, all you really need to do is grow trees in an area, place the summoning item, then just start chopping trees.
  3. General Nuclear

    General Nuclear Supernova

    did you guys/girls know that its a scene in star wars were a tree is used too bring down one of dos big robot heads with legs
    and in godzilla vs king kong, king kong is force feeding godzilla a tree :rofl:

    P.s. im only saying this because i have no idea on were too start on this mod and because REASONS
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2014
  4. wolfboyft

    wolfboyft Pangalactic Porcupine

    Man, I found a frog merchant. He sold me bombs.

    You're right about him being easy. (Oh, lol, LOOK AT THE YOGSCAST THOUGH! HAHAH!)
    General Nuclear likes this.
  5. Scival

    Scival Oxygen Tank

    What, theres no trees in USA? Whew. I neva knowed that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!1!!!!!!!111!!!!!!!!!!!!111!!!1!!!1!!!1111!!!11!!!!!111!!
  6. Dargona1018

    Dargona1018 Existential Complex

    It's a joke since Lumberjacks are mostly conveyed as Canadian, and because Canadians CAN cut down trees, unlike Americans who can barely but down on their grocery bill. :p
  7. Endelerius

    Endelerius Twenty-three is number one

    In that case, bosses or mobs would be able to go through the walls and floors/ceilings (the latter only if they can fly) of buildings and caves, like they do in Terraria.
    Since they don't in Starbound, you can assume they are on the same plane as you.
    General Nuclear likes this.
  8. Virtual Trident

    Virtual Trident Starship Captain

    I don't mind killing bosses by cutting down trees. It's at least a more original tactic than "let's build a ceiling low enough for us to stand in and for the robot to not be able to do shit against you"

    Trees should do considerable damage, and bosses negate some of that damage due to their size, so you'd have to cut down alot of trees to actually kill them. Implement it like this and people won't resort to it unless they're up for a challenge (or an achievement)
    General Nuclear likes this.
  9. Scival

    Scival Oxygen Tank

  10. Virtual Trident

    Virtual Trident Starship Captain


    You should give this advice to every single suggestion on the forums.
    please dont
    Dargona1018 likes this.
  11. Scival

    Scival Oxygen Tank

  12. Disco2

    Disco2 Existential Complex

    Sounds like a cool idea.
    General Nuclear likes this.
  13. General Nuclear

    General Nuclear Supernova

    maybe falling trees can destroy wood blocks
    but not dirt blocks or metal blocks
  14. Warped Perspectiv

    Warped Perspectiv Pangalactic Porcupine

    Seems terrible for implementation into the base game. It'd most likely have to be implemented for the player to be damaged as well. Leave it as a mod.
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2014
  15. General Nuclear

    General Nuclear Supernova

    can some one make the mod for me you get some free games on steam for it
    lets say 4 games that you can choose or if you do it for free then you get a medal on the forum
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2014
  16. General Nuclear

    General Nuclear Supernova

    soo... no one wants to help me with this mod
    l: (
  17. Dargona1018

    Dargona1018 Existential Complex

    I would say PM a modder. There is only a small chance that those modders would have found this thread, nonetheless wanted to.
  18. photostyle

    photostyle The Old One

    As someone who knows a Canadian on a personal basis, I can verify that falling trees hurt.
  19. Ferrettomato

    Ferrettomato Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    So.... Tree v. Tree?
    General Nuclear likes this.
  20. General Nuclear

    General Nuclear Supernova

    yep more or less
    have you ever seen a tree falling on a house
    spoiler the tree wins
    Jackson Brown and Ferrettomato like this.

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