RP Fallen, a starbound RP

Discussion in 'Role Playing' started by Relten, Sep 16, 2014.

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  1. Relten

    Relten The Waste of Time

    For character sheets go here:

    Before I start I should start with the rules:

    1) never go out of character for any reason here

    Language is ok as long as you don't over do it.

    3) you may kill your character, but not at bad times, or for no reason
    Once a character is dead...they are dead.

    4) don't argue with the random events, this means being a good sport
    But no worries, the random events will not kill characters.

    5) no serious repeated violence, this means rampages ladies and gentlemen.

    6)GODMODE IS THE SOURCE OF ALL EVIL! In other words....BALANCE! I cannot say this enough.
    Whew...now that rules are over, let's begin how this will work, think of this as an interactive story with a dungeon master, what that means is that I'm in charge of random things and basic story, (you, the player make up the rest of the story)

    My job also is to try to introduce new Role-players to the story without breaking immersion (if you can call it that) and spice up the story.
    Now that I explained the basic rules and everything, let's begin!
    You are part of an interstellar exploration ship that crashes on a large jungle planet, you must of hit your head pretty hard in the crash considering how long you were unconscious. When you gain conciseness though, what you see isn't a very pretty sight....twisted metal, and melted seats are probably the only thing you can see through all the smoke. You know you need to get out before you become incinerated with the ship, as you climb out the molten hull and haul your self to safety, you begin to wonder a couple of things, is there any other survivors? And why did this happen? Your train of thought is broken, when you barely see a house in the distance, through the thick tangled vines and trees.

    "Welcome to the real world..."
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2014
  2. Cup o' Tea

    Cup o' Tea Guest

    Kinu slowly crawls from the burning rubble of the ship, his left hand clenching his stomach tightly. Unable to open his eyes due to the scorching heat and stinging smoke, he reaches his hand in front of him over and over, slowly pulling himself ahead. Confident he cleared the rubble, he opens his eye and looks down at his hand. Quickly moving his hand off of his stomach, he is shocked to see a wound of gushing blood and a large medal rod piercing the skin through to the other side. Taking his eyes off of the wound to avoid any long term shock, he scans the area for survivors, but his vision is obscured by smoke. He is quickly fading away due to blood loss. Remembering his clothing and supplies, he takes off his backpack with difficulty and hauls it in front of him. Opening the front pocket, he injects a stim pack, which is keeping him alive. He lay motionless on the ground, about 20 meters away from the rubble, just on the edge of vines and green. Barely conscious, he hopes others survived. Scanning the area around him, he notices a house in the distance, then stares at the sky, now black due to the smoke.

    "Sage?!" Kinu calls, only able to remember one name due to the stress he is taking.
    Relten and Owl_Stalker like this.
  3. Owl_Stalker

    Owl_Stalker Guest


    Reiden awoke from what seemed like a normal nap to blackness. He could feel something heavy laying across his chest. He sat up, pushing the object off him.

    Now he realized that he smelled an acrid odor. Smoke, that was it. It was so thick that he couldn't even see. Reiden took a few steps forward. He seemed to be on a slanted surface. A few more steps, and he was... falling!

    The smoke immediately cleared and the blinding light of day scorched Reiden's optics. His flimsy wings, which where only for show, expanded and sent Reiden into a clumsy glide. It ended abruptly as Reiden smacked into a large, purple trunked palm tree. He slowly slid down it for a few seconds then plummeted down for about 6 feet and hit the ground. Fazed by his ungraceful landing, Reiden lay for some moments until regaining his bearings. He looked up and saw a scene of horror. The ship was now a hunk of twisted and scorched metal. Half of the wreck was cloaked by a dense smoke.

    I need to find other survivors. Certainly I'm not the only one...

    Reiden began trudging through the jungle's vegetation, in search of other living people...
    Exiledone likes this.
  4. Exiledone

    Exiledone Master Astronaut

    Zeta awoke in a bush....which was very confusing to her considering the last thing she remembered was standing outside a lab door for the last hour, playing with a lighter. when she got up, she was greeted by see a magnificent hell-fire of which is now the remnants of the ship. she laughed for a bit, somewhat impressed by the sight she beholds. That was until reality bit back at her when she realized the current situation and for a moment, began wondering if she caused this, Zeta does have a reputation for this sorta thing....

    "What if i caused this....somehow....." she thought.
    she quickly snapped back to reality when she heard someone shouting in the distance.

    "Sounds like somebody needs help" she said to herself, as she began to head to the origin of the sound.
  5. FloranSage

    FloranSage Big Damn Hero

    I is being chased. Large. Dark. Can't sees what. Smells. Shifts. Is comes from something I is afraids of. Warm. Stingy.
    ...smoke ...FIRE!

    Sage wakes from the memory of fire into the smell of smoke, he sees only the torn panel covering his face. He quickly pushes it off in a panic, expecting to be surrounded by flames. Luckily there are only small spot fires, no great firestorm. Looking around, he finds himself atop a pile of debris between a field of wreckage and a unknown jungle.

    Ship. Alarms. Crash.

    His mind begins to catch up to recent events and goes into survival mode. He appears to be uninjured (except for some cuts and bruises) so he next looks for a weapon. Finding a suitable pole to use as a spear, Sage notices what is wrong with his hands.
    He hisses as he realizes his hands are still cuffed
  6. Feathery Dust

    Feathery Dust Spaceman Spiff

    Fay wakes up in the middle of the smoke, he barely remembers what happened when the ship started falling down onto the planet.
    He tries walking out of the smoke, but it seems as if he damanged his leg in the crash, he has difficulties walking.
    He screams "Help! I am stuck!" hoping someone would hear him, and hoping Dirtbeak would be the one to respond.
  7. Cup o' Tea

    Cup o' Tea Guest

    Gradually getting better and better, Kinu notices a call for help coming from where he exited the ship. He reaches inside his pack and pulls out a bandage. He quickly reaches down to the bar. Grasping one end tightly, he counts down from 3 in his head. Pulling as hard as he can, the pain is almost unbearable. As the object slowly comes out, he starts to black out due to the scorching pain.As it finally comes out, he quickly injects another stim pack and bandages the wound. Laying on the ground for several minutes, he gets up and slowly limps to the origin. As he enters the smoke, he notices an avian man on the ground. Picking up the pace, he starts to get an old feeling. He quickly grabs the man by the legs and drags him out of the debris. Setting him on the ground where he lay minutes before, he scans the area for anyone else. He is only able to see the faint light of the house off in the distance. He kneels down next to the man and asks "Are you okay?" while reaching for a stim pack, only to find he used them all.
  8. Feathery Dust

    Feathery Dust Spaceman Spiff

    "Yes I'm just fine, thank you.. I think I hurt my leg in the crash" He looks around for a few seconds and then turns back to Kinu "I think my friend is still there, I would've looked there myself but my leg hurts too much for me to do it by myself, could you look for her?"
  9. Cup o' Tea

    Cup o' Tea Guest

    Kinu looks down at the bandage, then looks back at Fay. "Wait here." Kinu quickly rushes into the burning debris again, tripping several times on the way. He stops half way to the ship and notices another avian walking towards them. He heads towards the avian and quickly goes to greet her (Zeta). "Great to see another survivor, are you injured at all?"
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 7, 2014
  10. Exiledone

    Exiledone Master Astronaut

    Zeta zoned out again, deep in thought as this question was asked. Before answering
    "Yes I'm alright, but I feel I should ask the same."
    Gesturing towards the bandage
    "Besides, who was shouting?
  11. Cup o' Tea

    Cup o' Tea Guest

    "That would be me, metal rod pierced the skin on impact. Went through to the other side. Come with me, Fay wanted to see you." says Kinu, gesturing towards the young avian laying on the ground behind him. He walks over to Fay.
  12. Feathery Dust

    Feathery Dust Spaceman Spiff

    "Did you find her?" Fay asks Kinu, he didn't notice Zeta yet.
  13. Cup o' Tea

    Cup o' Tea Guest

    "Yea, she's over there" answers Kinu, pointing behind him. Kinu walks over to his pack sitting on the ground next to Fay. Opening it, he's relieved to see the Identity Disk and photograph inside. His mind starts to race with thoughts as he observes the situation around him. The bandage (Now covered in a layer of thick blood) needs changed, and he starts to fade quickly yet again. Collapsing to the ground, Kinu grabs his wound and starts to moan.
  14. Feathery Dust

    Feathery Dust Spaceman Spiff

    "Wait..." Fay looks at Zeta "While I remember seeing her around, she's not the person I was walking about! She's still out there!" He gets up and tries to walk back to the crash but he falls over due to his leg being hurt.
  15. Cup o' Tea

    Cup o' Tea Guest

    Kinu stands and walks over to help Fay up. "Who? The Floran?"
  16. Feathery Dust

    Feathery Dust Spaceman Spiff

    "No, not him, she's an Avian too, she worked with the research team"
  17. Cup o' Tea

    Cup o' Tea Guest

    "I don't remember her, but look, you can't go back in there. I barely got you out."
  18. Feathery Dust

    Feathery Dust Spaceman Spiff

    "But I can't just leave her there!"
  19. Cup o' Tea

    Cup o' Tea Guest

    "I'm sorry."
    Kinu walks over to his backpack and finds a small dagger in a sheath. He straps it on his leg.
    "I'm going to go check out the house and see if anyone's there that can help. Stay here."

    Kin enters the jungle and carefully makes his way to the building.
  20. Feathery Dust

    Feathery Dust Spaceman Spiff

    "No..." Fay says quietly and then passes out from the excessive amount of smoke he breathed
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